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The Weber County Chapter of the Red Cross began in December 1915 when a small group of individuals gathered to begin organizing a chapter of the Red Cross. In 1962, the name was changed to the Bonneville chapter, and in 1969, the chapter merged with other chapters in Northern Utah to become the Northern Utah Chapter, with its headquarters located in Ogden, Utah. The scrapbooks range from 1940 to 2003 and highlight some of the important work of the Red Cross. The books include photographs, newspaper clippings, and other materials. |
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Show They Need Some Help From You Well fill it up to here, you do the rest," Ogden Jaycees tell the public, as they use a jug and simulated blood to illustrate how much of the fluid their members will give Thursday and Friday. Left Tonight are Jaycee H. C. Petersen, Red Cross Worker Donna Sewell and Jaycee David Clark. Here's Your Chance to Give Life to Wounded in Korea Local citizens will have a chance-1 to help save the lives of wounded servicemen tomorrow when a spe¬cial blood procurement railroad ear arrives for a two-day stay. Weber county Red Cross offi¬cials said the response so far . "fair" to an appeal for donors, A big boost in this direction was pro- vided by Ogden junior chamber of commerce which has lined up 25 members to give blood and ex-pects more to sign. Heading a special blood procure¬ment committee is H. C. (Bud) Peterson, chairman of the chamber public health committee and David T. Clark, member. The special Charles O. Sweet-wood memorial car will be parked j on the business car track of the Ogden Union Railway and Depot company, Twenty-sixth And Wall. Doctors may give blood between one p. m. and six p. m. on both days. Mrs. Harmon Barton, chairman of the local Red Cross military blood procurement effort, said the car will be staffed with four doc-tors, four trained nurses and local ; Red Gross Gray Ladies, volun-teers. Those desiring to contribute should make arrangements by call-ing 4601. All blood obtained is for use' by members of the armed forces only, it was stressed. With the car is Welch Boyer, national representative for the Red Cross military blood procurement program. New Miracle Machine Takes Blood Directly From Veins for Use of Red Cross By Howard W. Blakeslee Associated Press Science Editor SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass., July 26 A new miracle machine that takes • blood directly from your veins for the Red Cross was announced to¬day by the American Optical Co. The machine is the culmination of years of work at Harvard in splitting blood to make plasma and many medical remedies. Harvard last fall built a trailer truck, car¬rying large blood-splitting ma¬chines and called the bloodmobile. It was designed to travel around the country. The new machine is a "stainless steel box and it does everything the many tons did. And does the blood splitting jobs quick¬er, cheaper and better. The designer is Charles A. El¬lis, American optical engineer. Co¬operating with him was Robert Tinch, Negro scientist and Dr. Douglas M. Surgenov of the Har¬vard group that made the original apparatus, under direction of Dr. Edwin Cohn. For the first time no bottle is needed for the blood donor. The red fluid flows directly into some¬thing about the size of a small pail in the miracle box. This pail contains a centrifuge to whirl the blood and bottles to receive the splits. As the blood enters it is cotoled nearly to freezing. Products Sealed The entire run is in completely sealed sterile conditions. The blood products are taken out al¬ready sealed against contamina¬tion. This first machine splits blood into red cells, plasma and plate¬lets. The latter are about as num¬erous as white blood cells and aid clotting. It is used at Bussey in¬stitution of Harvard. The American Optical company has been asked to make machines that will go automatically through the entire list of blood products, separating them without human handling, and all under sealed con-ditions. Dr. Cohn thinks the new ma¬chine will make it possible to spread the blood splitting work all over the world. Last Much Longer Red blood corpuscles "last much longer when separated in the new machine. The reason — the sep-aration is more complete and red cells emerge with less contamina¬tion. Red corpuscles are used to treat anemia and the supply is in¬sufficient. The machine also opens a new field of study — namely on dis¬eased blood. Medical scientists can get diseased human blood in its natural state without risk of in¬fection. At Bussey the doctors al¬ready are studying blood which the Red Cross rejects. It. is believed that diseased blood holds the keys to improving treat¬ments of many diseases. |