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Show 7. Set up campaign office, with all necessary working tools. 8. Handle correspondence, send notices and invitations, man the telephone. TELLING THE STORY The campaign "build-up" should start no later than January in order to assist with corporate and special gift solicitation and to help in recruitment of workers. As a part of its year-round activities, the chapter public inform¬ation committee should plan a hard-hitting promotion program to arouse public interest and create a desire to participate in and support Red Cross work. 1. Months in advance of the campaign, public information committee should meet to coordinate promotional work and to develop a detailed publicity time-table. 2. The publicity program should be keyed to reach its climax as the campaign opens and workers begin solicitation. 3. Maintain full publicity during the solicitation period. 4. Prepare colorful releases, tell real life stories, feature chapter accomplish¬ments, be original in presentation of facts. Normally, there are six principal publicity media through which your story can be told: newspapers, radio, television, speakers, exhibits and displays, and special events. One person should be in charge of each publicity medium, and all should work under the supervision of the public information chairman. NEWSPAPERS Write a story on the fund chairman, with his picture. Follow up with pictures and brief write-ups of division chairmen. Prepare a series of articles on local chapter programs, giving names of people participating and illustrating with pictures of activities. Feature any prominent and attention-compelling activity. Toward the end of the preparatory period, write an article telling just why the members or funds are needed. Print a budget. People are often reluctant to do this out public reaction is usually favorable. Moreover, all those who support an agency in the community are entitled to know what is being done with the funds they contributed. Keep faith with the public. Publish campaign progress, final results. RADIO - The national organization will have radio recordings, television films, and speakers on national hookups. These should be announced and used locally. Local radio time usually can be used by good local speakers with a brief message. High school students often give excellent talks. Schedule well-known, qualified speakers. One-minute spot announcements made by experienced radio personalities are effective. SPEAKERS A speakers bureau can make a fine contribution. Person-to-person talks by people who know each other are the best type of publicity. A speakers bureau -4- is relatively easy to promote. Speakers and appointments for them can be obtained and they will tell your story effectively. Make appointments for all important clubs, associations, and groups. EXHIBITS AND DISPLAYS Visual aids are important sources of information. Window displays, posters, a decorated public square, flags, demonstration of Junior Red Cross activities will all make vivid impressions. SPECIAL EVENTS An opening or "kick-off" meeting or dinner can arouse enthusiasm and result in sending out workers confident and determined to succeed. Short, inter¬esting report meetings with an appropriate inspirational feature maintain campaign momentum. Luncheons usually are most convenient. A "wind-up" or victory meeting or dinner puts the stamp of success on the undertaking. Each affords an excellent basis for a good news story. STAFFING THE CAMPAIGN, OR ENLISTING, ASSIGNING, AND INFORMING THE WORKERS No plan, however fine it may look on paper, will bring results unless there are sufficient volunteer campaign workers to carry it into effect. The greatest asset of the Red Cross is the cooperation of its volunteers. Examine all lists of Red Cross volunteers as sources of potential workers. First of all determine the number of workers needed in each division and then enlist them in the following ways: 1. The fund chairman and the fund campaign planning committee meet to select division leaders, arranging for a follow-up to see that they are definitely obtained and their names listed on the organization chart. 2. As soon as the division leaders have accepted their assignments, they enlist their captains who, in turn, select enough workers to cover the territory and complete the assignments belonging to their divisions. 3. The names of captains and workers should be entered in a 3" x 5" card file arranged by divisions, with the captain's name noted on each card. It is good practice also to make an alphabetical master card list of all workers. Campaign success in general is in direct proportion to the number and quality of workers enlisted and prepared for their task. To avoid the common fail¬ing of "calling on the same workers every year," an intensive effort must be directed toward finding new workers. Following are some of the sources that may be helpful: 1. Members of Red Cross classes, volunteers from all Services. 2. Lists of previous workers, and acquaintances of theirs. 3. Rosters of clubs, associations, and lodges. 4. Parents of Junior Red Cross members. 5. Persons recently moving to the community. (Lists of these can be -5- |