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Show SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1952 Red Cross Thrilled at Hitting Close to Goal In 1951, probably the happiest -f event for Red Cross officialdom was the raising of $53,172.58 of a $53,934 quota. It was a notable year for all activities including the blood program, volunteer services, home service, safety services, home nursing, nurses' aids, can¬teen service, motor corps; Gray Ladies and junior Red Cros. At the beginning of the fiscal year, November 1, 1950, there $27,333.18 cash on hand. On 1951, there was $29 Committee Involved Committer drawing up the fi¬nancial report included E. La- Mar Buckner, chairman; L. C. Williamsen, James L. Bush, Frank W. Bart and F. L. Mont¬morency. Top disbursement for the year was $15,475.12 for home service. Second and third, respectively, were $6824.47 for general office and S2765.78 for first aid. Receipts totaled $61,285.47 aft- ter payments to the national council. The junior Red Cross report¬ed 18,341 school children en¬rolled during the year. They wrapped 118 Christmas boxes and sent them to foreign lands. Gray Ladies were active in the blood program, serving when¬ever the blood donor unit visit¬ed this area. These ladies must be trained to serve in hospitals and veterans' administrations. Chairman is Mrs. Harmon Bar¬ton. Chairmen Listed Chairmen of various standing committees are: George Bowman, home service; A. T. Barrett, disaster; Dr. Ar¬thur Perkins, first aid; Myles J. Watkins, water safety; Mrs. O. C. Hammond, director nursing ser¬vice; Mrs. E. J. P. Rowse, home nursing; Mrs. W, H. Budge, nurse enrollment; Mrs. Elma Burns Humphreys, disaster nursing; Miss Sarah McCracken, junior Red Cross, city schools; Miss Lue Groesbeck, junior Red Cross, county schools; Mrs. S. P. Dobbs, volunteer special ser¬vices; Mrs. H. A. Benning, in¬struction and entertainment; Mrs. R. B. Porter, canteen; Mrs. Harmon Barton, Gray Ladies; Mrs. T. S. Feeny, motor corps; Mrs. Suggs Jolly, production; Mrs. W. H, Jackson, nurses' aid; LaMar Buckner, campaign; F. L. Montmorency, building commit¬tee; Dr. R. L. draper, medical adviser; Mrs. Wade Johnson, staff assistants; Col. G. B. McGary, de¬fense coordinator. Administrative staff comprises Mrs. Clyde T. Greenwell, chap¬ter manager; Mrs. Wallace M. White, home service secretary; Miss Frances Brown and Mrs. Bette Casey, office secretaries. Officers' Rosier Officers are Olin H. Ririe, chairman; Lawrence H. Evans, vice chairman; Blaine Glasmann, secretary, and G. Miles Jones, treasurer. I 4 Board members are Rev. A. Cadman Garretson, Father V. P. Kennedy, G]en Toone, Joseph F. Breeze, Joseph Barker, Gene Rob¬inson, Roy Metcalf, Rulon Jen¬kins, Dean Parker, Mrs. Joseph Peterson, Wayne Dabb, Charles Stipe, Clyde Lindquist, Rulon White, T. R. Johnson, Russell Hoffman, Piatt Fuller, Ed Ven- dell, Floyd Lund, LaMar Buck¬ner, Niel Clegg, Arthur P. Brown, Col. G. B. McGary, B. H. Rob¬inson; G. T. Hone. A. W. Stev¬enson, Dr. W. S. Moyes. Here's what the local chapter is doing to prepare for emer¬gency: 1. Many committee meetings were held the past year with chairmen perfecting various or¬ganizations. 2. Maps showing location of food, clothing and shelter cen¬ters have been radied for dis¬tribution. Preparing Charts 3. Charts giving information and instruction to various work¬ers are being prepared. 4. Rural districts are being organized. Huntsville, under di¬rection of D. D. McKay, is com¬pletely organized. During the year 2180 pints of blood were obtained and 50 vol¬unteer workers gave service. A total of 1330 volunteer hours were served. The home service, a link be¬tween servicemen, veterans and their families, was busy. There were 3535 different instances of aid, including financial assis¬tance, furlough investigation re¬quiring wires, consultation and guidance, veterans' claims and benefits, social histories, health report and other things. On the safety front, 955 first aid certificates were issued, also 39 first aid Instructors trained, eight first aid films shown to about 580 persons and 22 talks and demonstrations given. 530 Certificates There were 530 certificates is¬sued for care of sick and 416 certificates for mother and baby care. Production workers made 30 sweaters, 50 bed-pan covers and 50 kit bag aprons. The Red Cross motor corps furnishes transportation for com¬munity health and welfare needs; disaster relief, food centers, ser¬vicemen and veterans. Requests for transportation totaled 510, some trips taking all day. The hospital council knitted 12 stump and 6 knee socks. They sent 80 beautifully-wrapped gifts bearing the recipient's name to the state hospital at Provo for distribution Christmas morning. Twenty-three staff aids put in 890 hours. Services varied; they included help as receptionists, clerks, messengers or typists. Two typists were required for each visit of the blood unit. Dugway Waits Blood Plane Army personnel and civilian workers at Dugway Proving Grounds will have an oppor¬tunity to donate their blood. Tuesday when a Sixth Army plane from the Stockton, Calif., regional blood center arrives for a two-day stop-over at the installation. Nine Red Cross workers will set up facilities at Dugway for obtaining 300 pints of blood for each of the days, according to Capt. Lloyd T, Lorbeer, post; surgeon. Banker Urges 'Double Push’ To Weber Red Cross Goal OGDEN (Special) — Having reached goals for Ogden and Weber County only once in the 'past four years, 1952 Red Cross fund drive workers Tuesday were urged to work "twice as hard" to raise the sum for this year, amounting to $85,000. Speaker was George S. Eccles, Ogden and intermountain banker, appointed by. John S. Sinclair, national chairman of the 1952 drive, as regional vice chair-man. Occasion was the first report meeting of workers held at the Weber County chapter house, where Mr. Eccles recited some of the accomplishments of the Red Cross in peace and war. He pointed out "how com pletely the Red Cross acts as th channel through which millio of Americans fulfill their desir to serve others, as shown in the following two simple statements: One out of every four persons in the United States is a Red Cross member, and one out of every 90 persons is an active Red Cross volunteer worker." THE OGDEN (UTAH) STANDARD-EXAMINER 7 WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 5, 1952 'It Means Less Suffering’ J!If neonle give generously in the current Red Cross drive we will he able to obtain all of this we need," says Field Director Herbert C. Lar¬son (center), showing some of the supplies needed to relieve suffering during emergencies. Flanking him are John Hinckley (left) and Ford Creer, campaign officials. Division Chairmen Appeal For Greater Drive Effort Division chairmen of the Weber county Red Cross fund drive today called for increased efforts on the part of volunteer workers. The appeal followed the first re¬port luncheon yesterday which drive officials termed "disappoint¬ing." Only a small fraction of the $51,799 goal for 1952 was realized. Chairmen of the drive's 10 di¬visions called upon their workers to followup contacts and gather in contributions in order that a better report may be submitted Friday at the second report luncheon. Sparking the "second start" was John Seaman, drive chairman. In addition to urging workers, Chair¬man Seaman also called for a more generous spirit on the part of con¬tributors. "The American Red Cross needs your help. In addition to services in connection with the Korean conflict, the organization is spon¬soring several other worthwhile projects," Chairman Seaman said. Division chairmen for this year's drive are: industrial, R. L. Van Cleave; commercial, Matt Edell; transportation, Ford Creer; public service, Andrew Brunetti; residen¬tial, Mrs. Milton White and Mrs. Paul Grossenback; professional and business, Bob Anderson and Reed Taylor; contractors, Henry Child, public employes, Dave Welling; Weber county, Ford Creer, and military, Col. G. B. McGary. Ogden Ward Offers Blood Type Service OGDEN—The Mount Ogden Ward Relief Society, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day; Saints, will offer blood typing; 'services Tuesday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Polk School. The service, which is for res- idents in the area north of; Twenty-seventh St., south of Twenty-fourth St., and east of Harrison Ave., and west side Taylor, will be under the direc¬tion of the Ogden Chapter, American Red Cross, and the Weber County Medical Society. |