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Show ‘When I Enter Heaven I Expect to See the Red Cross' By HAL BOYLE 3-12-52 NEW YORK (AP)—The Red Cross is something the average man takes on faith, just as he does mother love or the wings of an air¬plane in which he flies. Unless he is involved in a gen¬eral calamity, he may never see at first hand what the organiza¬tion does. But he trusts the goals to which it is pledged. This year the Red Cros3 in Amer¬ica is trying to raise at least $85 million to carry out its widening program, which last year included the raising of one million pints of blood. Just what is the Red Cross? One of the most beautiful defini¬tions was penned long ago by the late James A. Mills, famous Asso¬ciated Press foreign correspondent. Jim Mills, who died 10 years ago this month, roved five continents in quest of news and was once told by Mahatma Gandhi, "When I enter heaven I expect to find you wait¬ing to interview me at the gates." He Served With Red Cross As a young man Mills served with the Red Cross in seven Eur¬opean countries during and after World war I. What he saw, then and later, of the organization's international work for the good of mankind led him to write the following tribute I to it: "I am the Red Cross." "I am the Red Cross. I was born of the hearts of men, I am sus¬tained by 40 million souls. My mission is of mercy, kindness and charity. Mr1 bounds are the limits of the eajfA I am rtfy brother's keeper. I know neither color, race nor re¬ligion. My voice is the voice of the American people. My goal is the goal of a higher humanity. My precept is the precept of God. My reward is the gratii of the. widow and orphan, oae strong and the sick, of the happy and the bereaved. "I Penetrate the Battle" "I go forth into the darkness of the night; into the uncertainties the day. I penetrate the fields battle. I defy the peril of shell and bullet. I lighten the horrors of the combat. I encourage and inspire the soldier. I give him a thousand comforts. I minister to those he has left at home. I claim the wounded from the battlefield; I bind their wounds and ease their sufferings. I mark the graves of the dead. "I eradicate epidemics. I am the foe of plague and pestilence. I, mitigate the horrors of floods and = fires and wrecks. I am the arch¬enemy of calamities. I triumph ove rpoverty, want and woe. I house the homeless. I feed the hungry. I clothe the naked. I pro¬tect the widow and the orphan. "I am the friend and helper of all nations. My hand and heart en¬compass the globe. My legionnaires send to the uttermost parts of the earth—across the threatened ocean, through war-swept territories, over infested lands. I am the sentinel of the health of the human race, My sympathy and succor are bound-less. A dozen nations return me; homage; a dozen potentates pay me tribute. The people of the earth offer me their prayers. "My emblem is the cross—sym-^ bol of supreme charity and of ti e saviour of men. Before me, the enemy stays his hand and boy;s in reverence to my mercy. Behind me march 10 million soldiers, with hearts for any fate. I challenge and triumph over' death. My strength and struggles are for the living; my prayers and compas¬sion for the dead, "I am the saviour of life, the assuager of death. I am my broth¬er's keeper. I am the Red Cross." Nursing Class April 8 A new class in home nursing will start April 8, it was announced today by local Red Cross officials. No home nursing classes have been held or will be held during March due to the annual fund drive, explained Mrs. L, F. Mitch¬ell, home nursing chairman. The April class will be held in the Weber county chapter home, 1961 Washington Blvd. Instructors will be Mrs. Ralph Rodgerson and Mrs. O. C, Hammond, both reg¬istered nurses. Time will be 7:30 p. m. All persons interested in taking such classes in mother and baby care or care of the sick, are in¬vited to call the chapter home, telephone 3-8601 and register. All students are also give addi¬tional information and instruction in emergency treatments - for in¬juries which may be suffered m the event of an atomic war. 3-23-52 Instructors Take Refresher Class Thirty local Red Cross safety and first aid instructors have com-pleted a refresher class under the direction of Elma Patterson, safety service field representative from the Pacific coast office. The class featured instruction the newly adopted artificial respi-ration method, The new method was adopted by the Red Cross aft¬er successful experiments by the armed forces. The local instructors will include the new method in present and future first aid and water safety classes. Scouting for Funds Stirring' up public interest in the current Red Cross fund drive is a project undertaken by Boy Scouts of the Ogden area council, who were busy putting up placards today in the downtown area. Every Iightpole along Washington Blvd., between 23rd and 25th will carry the kind of poster that Doug Stringfeliow, drive publicity chairman, is handing out here to Boy Scouts Ronnie Smith, left, and Earl Porter of troop 11. Most business houses were being contacted by scouters, too, to get window space for tb4. Posters 3-6-52 3-10-52 Good Red Cross Report Expected Things were looking up for a good report at the second report luncheon tomorrow of the present We county Red Cross drive. Seaman and Wallace M White, co-chairman, said initial re- por from workers in the 10 di¬visions of the drive indicated the favorable report. The luncheon tomorrow will be sponsored by the First 'Security: Bank and the Commercial Secur¬ity Bank. These two institutions will foot all expenses. Luncheon speaker is expected to be Douglas Stringfellow, publicity chairman. The luncheon will be held in the chapter home, 1961 Washington. for this year's drive is $51,799. Drive officials urged speed in contacting contributors and sub¬mitting reports. The drive ends March 31. Tomorrow's luncheon was first scheduled to be held last Friday but was postponed. |