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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show #>LiVeWell Senior's Health A NEWSLETTER WITH IMPORTANT HEALTH INFORMATION FOR SENIORS October 2014 Li Ve Well-Sleep Well (Source: Intermountain Health Care,, Are you sleepy during the day even after a "good" night's sleep? Do you snore at night? You might be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). What is obstructive sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that disrupts sleep because your breathing repeatedly stops or gets very shallow off and on during sleep. Over 12 million adults in the U.S. have sleep apnea. Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes and it can happen up to 30 times or more an hour. Usually, when normal breathing starts again, there is a loud snort, gasp or chocking sound. The sleep cycle is interrupted many times during the night and this causes drowsiness during the day. Most people don't realize they have sleep apnea, it happens while they are sleeping but a family member or sleep partner usually will notice the first signs. Loud snoring is a common symptom, this is caused when the tongue and throat tissue relaxes more than usual. The narrowing of the throat prevents air from flowing into and out of the lungs. As a result, loud snoring and a drop in blood oxygen levels can occur. If the oxygen level drops to a dangerous level the brain disrupts the sleep. This helps tighten the throat muscles and open the airways with normal breathing usually beginning with a snort or choking sound. Loud snoring is a common symptom but not everyone with sleep apnea has this symptom. In addition to snoring there are several other factors associated with OSA. Are you tired during the day even after a "good" night's sleep? Do you have high blood pressure, a body mass index over 35, are you over age SO? Do you have a neck size larger than 15 3/4 inches, a family history of sleep apnea, attention problems during the day, experience morning headaches, a dry mouth or sore throat when you wake up? Your gender is also a factor, males are at higher risk than females. CPAP Masks Treatments for OSA usually includes Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP. With CPAP, the air pressure is customized for you in a sleep lab, so that it is just the right amount to keep your airways open. Apnea patients report they have more energy and feel much better after using their CPAP mask. If sleep apnea is not treated you are at risk of developing serious health problems. High blood pressure (people with OSA have up to 2 to 3 times the risk). Heart rhythm problems Heart Attack Stroke Increased risk of complications after surgery Car accidents Talk to your doctor if you have symptoms of OSA or if you have a bed partner that has witnessed stoppage in your breathing at night. A night in the sleep lab could be the answer for a better night's sleep in your future! ^^Sii^ Intermountain McKay-Dee Hospital |