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Show Governor Emphasizes 'Depend Upon Ourselves' Doctrine THREE LEADERS . . . Gov. Herbert B. Maw, who addressed a community chest rally Thursday night, is shown in center with Campaign Chairman J. Edwin Nelson, (left) and Chest President Chester J. Olsen. Governor Maw stressed the idea that "We should depend upon ourselves if we are to add strength to our community and state." 'Strength Begins At Home' Theme Praised Maw Advocates Greater Stress On Ideals And Service More than 150 community chest leaders and workers attended a rally in Ogden high school Thurs¬day night in preparation for the chest campaign opening Jan. 27, and heard Gov. Herbert B. Maw urge greater emphasis on ideals and service. "Your theme 'Strength Begins at Home' is timely for Utah," he said. "Vast amounts of federal money have been poured into our state in recent years and a spirit has been developed to depend too much upon governmental funds. Many think the government cannot do too much for them. "We should depend upon our¬selves if we are to add strength to our community and state. The agencies of your community chest are working to rebuild shattered self-respect and to restore self- confidence." "We easily and soon forget the wealthy, the powerful and the strong, but we never forget those who live their lives in service and those who give up something for others." Mayor Fred M. Abbott strongly endorsed the community chest plan for financing the nine social welfare agencies for Ogden and pre¬dicted the goal of $38,952 would be oversubscribed. For Larger Gifts Willard L. Eccles, associate chairman of the campaign, reported contacts already made for in¬creased gifts from firms and ex¬ecutives are meeting with success and expressed the belief the in¬creases to date, if continued, would enable workers to raise the entire budget. Chester J. Olsen, president of the chest, called the roll of agency board members and made a num¬ber of observations about the com¬munity chest plan. "Chest work is democracy in action and if we be¬lieve in democracy, it is up to us to see that the 1941 community chest drive goes over completely and promptly." He read figures about the valuable work done by the nine character-building and welfare agencies aided by the chest, and urged a careful study and a better insight into the workings of the agencies. Accomplishments Cited J. Edwin Nelson, general chair¬man of the campaign, presided at the rally and spoke of the agen¬cies' work in rehabilitating unfor¬tunate people during the past year. Nelson pointed out many advan¬tages of the chest plan and said "graft was impossible under the chest plan of accounts and audits." In speaking of the campaign j theme—"Strength Begins at Home" Nelson declared: "Every true American is determined our coun¬try shall be strong. We prepare against armed might from without. We prepare against disease, hun¬ger, unrest, sabotage and fifth col¬umn activities from within. "The fibre and strength of a na¬tion depend on the character of its people and on the quality of its home life," said Neison, "In Ogden voluntarily, we have put into serv¬ice nine agencies to protect, build and strengthen our homes. We sup¬port them through the community chest and they work for us 365 days of each year. We now go to the community for their support for 1941." Extensive Efforts Some of the highlights of serv¬ices rendered, as mentioned were: There were 18,440 free meals giv¬en needy children and adults; 4,992 pieces of clothing supplied needy people; 776 pairs of shoes furn¬ished; 4,462 free nights' lodging furnished homeless people, 15,780 pints of milk given to under-nour¬ished little tots; 3,838 boys and girls given training for citizenship and provided recreational, health and character-building activities; 942 children given dental care, includ¬ing 1,019 extractions and 3,848 fill¬ings of all kinds; 115 dependent children provided care and supervi¬sion; 434 baskets of toys, candy and food given families at Christmas time; 201 worthy mothers and chil¬dren provided hospitalization; 3,000 persons received first aid instruc¬tions and 2,800 individuals received swimming and life-saving instruc¬tions; 3,000 garments made and sent to Great Britain's war refu¬gees. |