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Show Dec. 19.1941 Skidmore Asks Schools to Aid War Work School executives throughout Utah were appealed to Thursday by Charles H. Skidmore, state superintendent of public instruction, to take steps immediately “to deal with various war emergencies.” “If you have not already done so,” he said in a letter to executives, “will you kindly call your teachers together to consider ways and means in which you may deal with various war emergencies, and to give real service at once to state, county or local organizations which are coordinating the efforts of all good citizens to make their work most effective. “Would you be so kind as to contact the head of the city or county defense council in your area and to supply the names of all persons you may know who are trained in first aid work and in nursing. At the same time you may feel free to ask the cooperation and the help of the defense council unit, or subdivision thereof, nearest your school. “In this way the governor’s defense council will be able to give aid to the schools as well as to receive it, and all may work unitedly for the general welfare of our people.” Jan. 7, 1942 CHANGES MADE IN AID COURSE Switch Caused By Large Number of Requests From South Ogden Due to the large request for classes in the South Ogden area, first aid instruction will be changed from the South Ogden city hall to the Burch Creek school tomorrow evening, beginning at seven o'clock. Other classes will begin Thursday at Lewis school for all people living in that area, at seven p. m. The class in Roy will meet at the Roy school at eight p. m. Tonight classes will be conducted at Weber college, Moench building, room 208 at seven o'clock, at the L. D. S. Third ward chapel at seven-thirty and at the L. D. S. Nineteenth ward at seven-thirty. First aid work for all those living north of Ogden river will be held Monday and Thursday nights of each week, starting next Monday night, at seven o'clock at Weber county high school. Teach¬ers of the Weber county school system will meet in this class. Everyone living in that area is in¬vited to attend. Beginning next Monday, a spe¬cial class will be held at the Pingree school for Hollanders, at seven-thirty p. m. It will be con¬ducted by Johanna Griffith. RNING, DECEMBER 28, 1941 RED CROSS TO HOLD COURSES An intensive course in advanced first aid training will be offered by the local Red Cross chapter starting Monday, Kent S. Bramwell, director of first aid training, announced Saturday. The course is to be given Mon¬day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday between the hours of seven and nine p. m., he said. The class will meet in room 204 of the Vocational building at We¬ber college. Eligible to take the training, which requires 10 hours of work in addition to completion of the standard course in first aid offered by the Red Cross, are those who have completed the standard course and have certificates in order. "Prospects for those taking this course to become instructors of first aid classes are excellent," Mr. Bramwell said. "William Raty, field director of the Red Cross, in charge of instructor training, will super-vise the course." Mr. Bramwell himself will be the instructor. The course should be taken only by those who can attend each of the five days it will be given, Mr. Bramwell said, inviting everyone who is interested and eligible to attend the first meeting. No fur¬ther advanced training is likely to be given for two or three months, he added. Jan. 22, 1942 Aid Class Will Meet At Parish A Red Cross first aid course will start Friday, Jan. 23, at one p.m. at the parish house of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Twenty-fourth and Grant. Classes will meet each Tuesday and Friday and will be open to anyone wishing to enroll. Jan. 5, 1942 NEW FIRST AID CLASSES READY American Red Cross first aid classes will start with a new zest this week following the holiday season, reported Kent S. Bramwell, director of first aid training for Weber county chapter. New classes have been arranged in standard first aid work for the Methodist church women, two to four p.m. Monday; for the northern part of town at Weber county high school Monday at seven p.m.; for people living in North Ogden at North Ogden junior high Monday at seven-thirty p.m.; for Japanese –American Citizens league Monday at seven-thirty p.m., at Central building, Weber college; Hollanders at Pingree school at seven-thirty Wednesday evening; and for all interested persons who live on the east bench at Ogden high Friday at seven p.m. All interested in first aid at South Ogden, Riverdale and Chimes View are invited to attend the class Thursday at seven p.m. in South Ogden town hall, 454 Thirty-seventh. At Weber Tuesday First aid classes will reconvene at Weber college on Tuesday night for one group and Wednesday night for another at seven o’clock. A class at the L. D. S. Nineteenth ward hall will begin Tuesday at eight p.m. as will one in the Eighteenth ward hall. Wednesday at seven p.m. at the Third ward and Thursday at eight p.m. at the Roy school classes will reconvene and the Weber college faculty and student body classes will reopen Monday. During the past week a course in advanced first aid has been taught at Weber college vocational building by Kent S. Bramwell. The class had an enrollment of 30, most of whom will attend special classes for instructors-to-be starting Monday at the college at seven p.m. William Raney, national field director, who is in Ogden assisting the first aid program for two weeks, will be supervisor of the instructor training course. He will give instruction to those qualified to become first aid instructors each night for the next two weeks. Each course will last for three hours and five nights. Expect More Teachers “We expect to have an additional 45 competent first aid instructors at the conclusion of Mr. Raney’s course,” Mr. Bramwell reported. “If requests keep coming in for classes we shall need all of them and more. Some of our instructors are already teaching four and five classes a week to meet demands of the community. They are happy to give this time voluntarily. “We are especially anxious that all professional teachers and nurses who have had first aid training in the standard course attend Mr. Raney’s classes. The two courses will begin each Monday at seven p.m. in room 101 at Weber college Central building.” Additional information may be obtained by dialing 7961, the Red Cross office. Groups desiring first aid training in Huntsville, Eden or Liberty are requested to get in touch with West Lindsay. Those in plain City Pleasant Viey or other communities in that area may call Wheatley Taylor in Plain City or the Red Cross office. |