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Show CONSUMER DIVISION-OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION (Federal Agency, LEON HENDERSON, Administrator) This division, charged with maintaining the civilian standard of living as high as possible “consistent with military defense requirements,” works with other government agencies in presenting the consumer’s needs and viewpoints on problems of price and supply; maintains a field staff to aid consumers in interpreting the defense program; and has a Standards and Needs Section, whose purpose is to conserve essential resources of materials, machines, and man power entering into the production of consumers’ goods by studying the problems of substitution and simplification. Local Consumer Information Centers are being established. UNITED SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS (Private Agencies) Six national volunteer organizations-the Y.M.C.A., the Y.W.C.A., the National Catholic Community Service, the Jewish Welfare Board, the Salvation Army, and the National Travelers’ Aid-have incorporated in the U.S.O., for the purpose of cooperating with government agencies, providing for the recreation and welfare of soldiers, sailors, and defense workers. The U.S.O. is actually the “holding company” for these six organizations. Each organization has its own program, personnel, etc., and is responsible for a part of the total job. COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES, COMMUNITY CHEST, OR OTHER LOCAL COORDINATING GROUP Where local coordinating groups already exist, they are sometimes doing the work of a local civilian defense volunteer office, which in many cases will be quite similar to what they have already been doing. Full cooperation with them is important. 34 How to Cooperate with the Civilian Defense Volunteer Office THE CIVILIAN DEFENSE VOLUNTEER OFFICE is part of the local Defense Council, authorized to register civilians for all types of defense. The Volunteer Office will be useful in proportion to the cooperation given by individuals and agencies in the community. You can help it in many ways. It can help you. The first steps you should take in reference to the Volunteer Office are: 1. Take this Manual in your hand and talk with the heads of the Volunteer Office. Convince them briefly and succinctly that Girl Scouting has a contribution to make the community especially today, and therefore, every job in it is a defense job. Offer the organization’s services and facilities, such as experience in the selection and placement of volunteers, training volunteers, camp sites, Little Houses, and so forth. 2. Ask to talk with the people who are interviewing and placing volunteers. Explain to them the types of jobs into which they can route volunteers for service. 3. Tell them how many people you can use in each type of job, and list for them very specifically the qualifications of the volunteers needed for each type of job. The blank pages of this Manual are good places to jot down the number of people you need for each job, the qualifications, and the times and places where you want them. 4. Give the interviewers the address and telephone number of the Girl Scout office and the name of the person the volunteers should see there. 5. Indicate as far as possible where and when the next training for any of these jobs will take place. 6. Offer to get them more of these pamphlets and flyers if they need them. 7. See that every Girl Scout volunteer is registered in the Civilian Defense Volunteer Office for what she is already doing. This is essential as you are a part of defense. The Civilian Defense Volunteer Office should be the pool of the community’s volunteer manpower and their available skills. It may be easier for the Volunteer Office if your office registers the whole Girl Scout membership at once. For information concerning Volunteer Offices, read the pamphlet entitled “A Civilian Defense Volunteer Office,” published by the U.S. Office of Civilian Defense, Washington, D. C. This pamphlet has already been sent to all Girl Scout Commissioners. Per. D-12-41 35 |