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Show Weber Group Sets Pace in Precautions for Disaster, Says Red Cross Executive Pacific Office Watching Local Efforts, Avers Ray L. Alston Ray L. Alston, state representative of the American Red Cross, declared Weber county chapter is setting the pace for disaster work in the intermountain area, and the Pacific branch office of the national organization is aware of the fact and watching the local group closely. Mr. Alston was in Ogden to present to members of the chapter’s disaster committee a joint statement of the American Red Cross and the office of defense health and welfare services, relating to the distribution of functions between the ODHWS and the Red Cross in disaster relief and in civilian war aid. Terms Defined Under the new agreement, the term “disaster” applies only to natural or accident-caused situations; “civilian war aid” will describe the relief aspects of situations caused by enemy action. As prepared, the statement recognizes the responsibility of the Red Cross for disaster relief and the basic responsibility of government for civilian war aid. During the emergency period in a situation due to enemy action, Mr. Alston said, the Red Cross is specifically charged with providing food, clothing and temporary shelter. The ODHWS, through federal, state and local public agencies, will provide for continuing assistance in the form of indemnity benefits. Inquiry and information service and transportation will be Red Cross responsibilities. Primary and supplemental responsibilities are placed for civilian war aid on Red Cross, but this in no way alters Red Cross responsibility for disaster relief. Army Office Busy Mr. Alston said Ninth corps area headquarters at Salt Lake City is at work on a plan for army participation in civilian war aid. In addition to accidental, or natural disasters, the Red Cross will be held responsible for disasters caused through sabotage, MR. Alston pointed out, indicating that the time element involved in determining whether the disaster is one caused deliberately forms the dividing line between “enemy action” and “natural” disasters. “The human needs for civilian war aid arising out of an enemy created emergency are in general the same as those arising out of disaster,” said Mr. Alston, quoting from the joint statement. Greatest Need “The need for services will be most pronounced immediately after the emergency before the community facilities begin to operate normally, or in communities which are so devastated that money will not meet the need for necessary goods and services through ordinary channels. Such services include survey and information; first aid and emergency medical service; extended hospital, medical and nursing care; transportation of persons and their necessary belongings; appropriate services en route; food and mass feeding, clothing, shelter-temporary and long time; occupational aid and aid to families returning to their original homes or being resettled. “Where the normal facilities of the community are not so seriously disrupted by enemy action that persons with money cannot procure the necessary goods and services, the federal security administrator will make temporary aid available through the social security board and appropriate state and local public agencies. On a long-time basis, persons who are injured and dependents of persons who are injured or killed may receive continuing assistance in the form of indemnity benefits, in the nature of workman’s compensation not restricted to wage earners. For Medical Care “With regard to medical, nursing and hospital care, the federal security administrator has designated the U.S. public health service and the cooperating state and local public health departments as the responsible agencies, utilizing funds made available to the federal security administrator. The American Red Cross will supplement medical, nursing and hospital care in accordance with plans to be laid out by the u. S. public health service and the American Red Cross with the approval of the ODHWS. “The federal security administrator, working through the social security board and appropriate state and local public agencies, will make provisions for the long time maintenance of civilians affected by enemy action, the provision of household furnishings and of long-time or permanent shelter (including repair and rebuilding of homes) occupational assistance, and aid to families returning to their original homes or in need of permanent resettlement elsewhere. “The Red Cross, under its congressional charter, is to extend relief in natural disaster and those caused by accident or sabotage, whether in peacetime or wartime. The Red Cross will be supported and assisted by the appropriate governmental agencies and facilities. “The federal government has basic responsibility for protection, welfare and care of civilians in emergencies resulting from enemy action. The federal security administrator will look to the organization, facilities and resources of the Red Cross to provide food, clothing and temporary shelter until the administrator determines that aid can be extended through normal channels. “In addition to providing food, clothing, and temporary shelter, the Red Cross, where convenient, will give the additional services of the disaster committee in connection with civilian war aid.” Delivers Comment Analyzing Mr. Alston’s presentation, A. T. Barrett, chairman of Weber county Red Cross disaster committee, said it amounts to “doing the same job in either case, but getting federal financial help if the disaster is enemy caused.” Reporting on the committee’s activities, Mr. Barrett said there have been some revisions made. “instead of the form we once had accepted for making our information reports, there have been standard forms provided for field workers in which only certain crossings out will be necessary to give complete date on each case,” he said. “Civilian defense officials are to give us tags for patients who receive care in the field so that doctors at receiving hospitals will know what has been done. “The canteen workers are now operating a canteen at Union depot to gain practical experience. Would Move Patients “Under the new program, rather than setting up emergency hospitals throughout the area, medical men and transportation facilities will first evacuate Dee hospital of all patients that can be moved,” Mr. Barrett said. “The hospital says about 80 per cent of its patients could be moved out in case of extreme need, and by using the halls another 200 to 300 others could be cared for. “Six doctors will go into the field at once with a dental crew and registered nurse in each group. We now figure we could get 80 to 100 nurses and 50 to 60 nurses’ aides on the scene in a short time. “Certain doctors will establish, in the event of gas attack, a decontamination squad at the L. D. S. Fourth ward, where gassed victims will be decontaminated before begin sent to the Dee hospital. “Utah general depot and the Red Cross depot have many supplies on hand that are available to us, provided we reciprocate by making our supplies available to them-which we have done.” Mr. Barrett acknowledged receipt of a $50 check from the B. P.O Does, for purchase of triangle bandages. The Does, under leadership of Mrs. A. E. Brown, conducted a Lilac tea last Saturday. The $50 check represented the proceeds from that affair. Said the church in ministering to a stricken world must be willing to try, willing to fail, to persist, to study to cooperate, to face facts and to pay the price. This evening a meeting will be held at seven-thirty when an address of “Pioneering” will be delivered by Dr. William H. Bowler of New York City, a former executive secretary of the Utah and Idaho state conventions. “India at the Cross Roads,” will be discussed by Mrs. C. R. Manley, of South India, whose husband is an American missionary in the Far East. Children’s Division Children’s division workers attended a luncheon at noon in the church social room with Mrs. Manley as speaker. Separate sessions for the Women’s Missionary societies and pastors and laymen were being held this afternoon for elections and other business. The general session Wednesday will begin at nine-forty-five a.m. when reports will be read, officers elected another business transacted. The second Wednesday session will begin at one-forty-five p.m. the annual banquet will be conducted Wednesday at seven p.m. Harold Carver, president of the young people’s group of the Immanuel Baptist church of Salt Lake City, and Dr. Cooper will be the speakers. Immediately following the banquet the Baptist youth fellowship will meet in the social room for its annual session and election. Storrs Smith of Salt Lake City, state president will preside. Nurse Aide Unit No. Two Has Election at Moncrief Home Snappy uniforms…sparkling eyes (the kind that go with persons who are doing something for a good cause), lively steps…kindly smiles…willing hands… and an all-around-good-will gesture symbolizes the Red Cross nurses’ aide group these days in their effort to do their bit with the many other worthy femme organizations in the service of the Red Cross and defense work of Ogden. Unit No. 2 of the nurses’ aide elected its staff of officers at a meeting held at the home of Mrs. Lester Moncrief recently. Mrs. Charles W. Price was made chairman and Mrs. P. A. Scott, secretary. Mrs. Leonard G. Diehl, Mrs. O. C. Hammond, Mrs. John T. Rushmer and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, members of the nurses’ aide committee, were special guests and gave short talks complimenting the women on their excellent work. Mrs. Hammond and Mrs. Rushmer praised the loyalty of the group in giving their time during the great emergency. The members responded by expressing their enjoyment of the work, stating that they valued their training highly and were happy in giving service. Mrs. Diehl spoke of the new class which will start in May in which many business women are interested, as evening classes will be featured. Mrs. Thompson expressed the appreciation of the nurses and patients at the hospital, for the services of the nurses’ aide, and stated that the group is receiving full cooperation of the hospital personnel. Other members of unit No. 2 attending, besides its officers and hostess, were Mrs. Arthur Mathews, Mrs. Dolly Ackerman, Miss Sessions, Mrs. Stuart P. Dobbs, Mrs. C. B. Johnson and Mrs. E. Getz. |