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Show E.G. Bennett Selected As Leader of Campaign Will Direct Community Chest-Red Cross Fund Drive E.G. Bennett, bank president and chairman of Weber county American Red Cross chapter, will head the combined community chest and Red Cross drive in Ogden this year, with Fred A. Kuhlmann as assistant. Mr. Bennett, Mr. Kuhlmann, Community Chest President Willard L. Eccles and others who will be active in the combined drive met at noon today in Hotel Ben Lomond and discussed plans to begin the effort at once. “The community chest is practically a part of the Red Cross now, rather than the Red Cross being a part of the community chest,” said Mr. Eccles. “The fact that the annual roll call of the Red Cross was delayed in Ogden to prevent conflict with the community chest drive and the fact that the national Red Cross is calling for an additional $50,000,000 American war relief fund, of which Weber county’s quota is $15,000, has placed the emphasis on the drive in the Red Cross needs. “We are starting to organize to collect the donations from the big business houses at once, while the usual person to person and small establishments canvass will be made next year.” Details of the procedure are expected to be prepared and re at once. APPOINTED . . . E. G. Bennett was today made leader of the community chest Red Cross fund campaign. WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECMEBER 31, 1941 RED CROSS WILL OPEN CANTEEN AT RAIL DEPOT Some Goods To Be Free To Soldiers; Others Will Be Sold Weber county Red Cross chapter will have a canteen service for army and navy men at Ogden Union depot within the next few weeks, announced Leah P. Green- well, chapter secretary, today. Mrs. R. B. Porter is chairman of the canteen service which will pro¬vide cigarets, candy, sandwiches, cookies, drinks and other items for soldiers traveling through Ogden by train, Mrs. Greenwell said. Details of the program were be¬ing worked out this afternoon by Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Greenwell in accordance with the plans of or¬ganization provided by the na¬tional Red Cross. It is expected sandwiches, cakes, cookies and other items may be donated by Ogden women. Cigarets and other items at the canteen will have to be sold, but probably will be sold at cost. Manning the can-teen, as in practically all Red Cross efforts, will be volunteer workers. An experienced and com¬petent nutritionist will be in charge of the volunteers. These tentative plans may be varied at the meeting today, but basically they will function as in¬dicated. Railroad and army officials are under a censorship ruling when it comes to divulging the number of troops that are passing through Ogden daily, but Mrs. Greenwell said she has spent hours at the depot and has determined that there is sufficient need for the canteen to make its establishment effective. DIVISIONAL HEAD . . . F. C. Koziol, assistant in the U. S. forest service office of informa¬tion and education, today had been named to direct the united Red Cross-community chest col¬lection among public employes. Director Appointed for Public Employe Canvass Organization of the public employes group leadershipfor the united Red Cross-communnity chest fund campaign was completed today. F. C. Koziol, assistant in information and education, regional office of the U. S. forest service, will serve as chairman, it was announced by Fred A. Kuhlmann, associate chairman of the campaign. The group has been divided into six divisions, each of which will conduct its individual solicitation work under ts own chairman. Fol¬lowing are the divisions and their respective chairmen: City offices, Mark Critchlow, city auditor; city schools, Dave Wangsgaard, assistant superinten¬dent; federal offices, Leslie H. Miller, associate highway engineer, bureau of public roads; county of¬fices, Arthur P. Brown, county commissioner; state offices, Fran¬cis A. Child, superintendent of state industrial school; county schools, William P. Miller, superin¬tendent. Mr. Kuhlmann said it is the intention to give every elected of¬ficial and appointee in public of¬fices an opportunity to participate in the united campaign. "The Red Cross-community chest message will be carried to each group by assigned speakers in order that the need for larger subscriptions this year may be fully understood. We are happy to report that al¬ready some officials in this pub¬lic employe group have increased their quotas 60 per cent over those of last year," he declared. |