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Show WOMEN FINISH OFFICE COURSE Volunteers Will Receive Certificates In Duties Of Chapter Sixteen Ogden women who are desirous of serving the nation in the capacity for which former training and experience have best fitted them have recently complet¬ed a course of instruction in Red Cross staff assistance. This course, which follows an outline of study provided by the national offices, was given by Mrs. Robert J. Spain. The staff assistance corps is a branch of the volunteer special services, of which Mrs. L. G. Diehl is chairman. Mrs. C. I. Canfield is chairman of the staff assistance corps, and Mrs. Walter S. Biddle is secretary. Purpose Outlined The purpose is to maintain a competent trained staff to do sec¬retarial and administrative work that is a necessary part of a chap¬ter's activities. The women recruit¬ed for this work are graduates of colleges, high schools, business or private schools. Qualifications are membership in the Red Cross, fa¬miliarity with chapter office rou¬tines and procedures, and attend¬ance at 10 lectures on Red Cross organization and services and prac¬tice in office routines. A member must pass a written examination at the conclusion of the course. Cer¬tificates are issued to volunteers who have satisfactorily completed the course. This certification also entitles the person receiving it to wear a uniform identifying her as such a volunteer and also a but¬ton signifying her position within the chapter. List of Graduates The following will receive certifi¬cation: Mesdames Walter S. Biddle, Edward F. Brown, W. D. Brown, C. I. Canfield, J. J. Dunbar, Horace S. Ensign, N. R. Hoskot, F. R. Huber, C. J. Humphris, George L. Nichols, David C. Peter¬son, T. D. Phinney, Byron Powell, R. T. Regan, B. F. Thurmond and V. J. Youel. All of these women have been giving approximately one-half day a week to secretarial work in the office in the city and county building. NUTRITION UNIT TEACHES RIGHT FOOD TO SERVE Clubs Will Be Asked to Sponsor Educational Classes 2/42 "Enough of the right food for everybody." That is the slogan adopted by the state and county defense coun¬cil nutrition committees, and the idea which the local group hopes to put into action within a few days. Mrs. Hazel McCarty, elected chairman of the county commit¬tee, said she was meeting today with state committee leaders to formulate the local program. "We have to teach Americans to eat the right kind of food, correctly prepared, in the most nutritional amounts," Mrs. Mc¬Carty said. "President Roosevelt initiated the program when it was discovered that too many youths were being rejected for military service because of defects that could be traced to improper eat¬ing habits or incorrect diets." Course Slated Specifically, the committee will form 20-lesson courses in nutrition which members hope will be spon-sored by organized clubs and other groups throughhout the area. Housewives, grocers, cafe em¬ployes and operators are among those whom the committee hopes to get as students in the classes. "We want everyone who handles food to be able to point out the exact nutritional values of what they serve and to plan menus that provide those values to their fullest extent," the chairman explained. Radio programs and newspaper articles will be used from time to time to get the information broadcast to the public as a whole, she said. Members Listed Besides Mrs. McCarty, members of the executive unit of the com¬mittee are Mrs. C. F. Peacock, Miss Deola Seegmiller, Mrs. Jean S. Welling, Mrs. H. F. Irwin, Rob¬ert Clark, Vern Bullough and Mrs. H. W. Hayward. Others who were present when the committee was formulated un¬der direction of J. A. Howell, We¬ber county civilian defense council chairman, were: A. L. Christian¬sen, H. W. Hayward, Katherin Ebert, Shelia Astley, Edna Shelly, Mrs. Louise M. Redford, Farol En¬sign, Angelyn Warnick, Mrs. Lydia Tanner, Myrtle Davidson, Mrs. Lawrence Casting, Margery Badg¬er, Mrs. Don Woolsey, Mrs. Anna Van Dykfe, W. C. Jensen, the Rev. L. W. Glascow, Mrs. L. G. Diehl, Mrs. Alfred Stevenson, Mrs. James B. Murdock, Miss Winifred Houser and Christine B. Clayton. TASK FINISHED AT HILL FIELD First Aid Certificates Awarded to Relatives Of Army Officers A Red Cross standard first aid class, comprised of the wives and other kin of army officers at Hill field, has been completed, it was announced today. Those who re¬ceived their certificates are: Mrs. Morris Berman, Mrs. C. C. Minty, Mrs. Marie Cressey, Mrs. Dan B. Floyd, Mrs. Josephine Englehart, Mrs. H. F. Carter, Mrs. E. D. Mil¬ler, Mrs. H. M. Younger, Mrs. J. P. Dart, Mrs. P. E Favis, Mrs. M. M. Coleman, Mrs. Margaret Buckner, Mrs. Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Glynn A. Turner, Miss Catherine Berman, Mrs. Frances V. Hanson, Mrs. R. J. Minty. The class, under direction of Kent Bramwell, was held two hours each day for two weeks. Classes Being Started First aid classes being started as follows: Relief societies of the L. D. S. n, Seventeenth, Twenty-fourth, elfth, Highland and Mr. Ogden rds, Mondays at one-thirty p.m. room 204 MOench building, Wer college. Druggists: Mondays from ten a.m. to twelve noon, and Wednesdays rom seven p.m. to nine p.m., beginning March 9. Aglaia, Mondays from seven to nine p.m., beginning March 0 at Weber college. Public: Wednesdays at seven-thirty p.m., Tenth ward; second lesson. All attending are requested to take triangular bandage. Monday, room 110, Central building, Weber college, seven p.m., Sophie Reed; Five Points residents at the Lincoln school, seven p.m., under direction of Lee Florence; U. C. T. auxiliary, two p.m., Little tearoom, Mae B. Aiken. Tuesday, room 110 Central building, seven p.m., D. B. Ballantyne; Second ward, seven-thirty p.m., Mae Olsen. Wednesday, Eleventh ward, seven-thirty p.m., Eldon Jenson. Thursday, Beta Sigma Phi sorority, 2547 Adams, eight p.m., Betty Smith. Friday, air wardens, Ogden high school, seven-thirty p.m., Dexter Farr; air wardens, South Washington high, seven-thirty pm., D. Ballantyne; Relief society, Hooper school, three p.m., Dewey Favero. The first lesson in an advanced class will be given tonight at seven o’clock at Weber county high school, under direction of Helen DeBoer and Naomi Wall; second lesson, tonight, seven o’clock, Weber county high. Warden’s Classes Already under training are five groups of air raid wardens, taking the 10-hour required course of instruction in first aid. They are Winn Templeton’s groups, in Hooper Tuesday and the Eleventh ward Wednesday, taught by Frank Gilbert and Eldon Jensen, respectively; W. H. Brangham’s units at Lewis and Ogden high schools Thursday and Friday, taught by Lee Florence and Dexter Farr, respectively, and J. H. Martin’s group at Lincoln school Monday evenings, taught by Lee Florence. ART STUDENTS MAKE COVERS Ogden Schools Provide 96 Jackets for Red Cross News The call received by Mrs. W. Karl Hopkins, Junior Red Cross chairman for Weber county, last January, was today about to be answered. The request was from the San Francisco Red Cross office for 73 art covers for Braille copies of Junior Red Cross News, a monthly paper distributed by Junior Red Cross groups throughout the country. The Braille copies are made by volunteer Braille-ists in the eastern states. Two Missing Mrs. Hopkins asked cooperation of the art departments of the various schools in Ogden, and today 96 covers were in the hands of Miss Sarah Wilson, supervisor of art work for the school system. All but two of the 17 art departments in the city schools had contributed to the collection, and the teachers of those two departments were ill at the time the work was being done. The request received from M. C. Shafer of the regional office at San Francisco, asked that the covers be ready this spring. The 96 were completed during the past three weeks. Among the covers are some of the most artistic design jobs ever produced in the Ogden schools. The general course of the work was different from the usual type of art work in that students do in that texture was used as a medium even more than color. Special Appeal “Texture,” Miss Wilson explained, “has a definite appeal to blind persons. They can feel designs that are embossed or engraved, and they can feel designs that are made of contrasting textures. The feel of a design can be as beautiful as the color to one whose fingers have been sensitized through long use.” Thus, although colorful and striking to the eye, the covers go even further in their composition, being planned to “feel” colorful as well as to look that way. Buttons, oilcloth, cheesecloth and wallpaper are the chief mediums of texture expression used. |