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Show SPECIAL MEET OF FIRST AID GROUP CALLED Emergency Session In War Program Sched¬uled for Today An emergency meeting has been called for two p. m. Sunday in the civilian defense headquarters, 2514 Washington, for all first aid in¬structors, announced Kent S. Bramwell, Red Cross first aid di¬rector for Weber county. The most comprehensive first aid program ever conducted in the county will begin Monday night with classes to be held in various parts of the county during the night. "These classes have been de¬manded by the citizens of Weber county and every effort is being made to care for all requests," Mr. Bramwell said. "Special training and new problems related to the local defense program are to be discussed at the Monday after¬noon session." Place Orders Orders have been placed for first aid equipment for all police, fire department and sheriff's cars. The entire student body and faculty of Weber college have asked for first aid training and Ferron Losee in conducting classes there. Ralph Sanford, principal of Ogden high school, has approved first aid in connection with physical education classes. Other institu¬tions asking classes are the state deaf and blind school and the state industrial school where faculty members will be instructed. The American Legion has also asked for first aid instruction. Present plans include placing of first aid classes in six strategically located areas in the city and an¬other six in the county. As new requests come in, Mr. Bramwell said instructors will assume more classes and an intensive instructor training program will be carried on simultaneously. Several members of Weber County Medical association have volunteered their services as in¬structors, and there are now three men giving instruction to the state guard company here. Other groups now receiving in¬struction are: Mound Fort junior class; U. S. forest service women; Soroptimist club; Beehive girls; police and fire departments; Van¬guards; Utah Power & Light em¬ployes; Sperry Mills employes; Pre-Medics club at Weber college; an adult class at Lewis high school. "All first-aiders are requested to take refresher courses and to advance to the next highest grade in this work," Mr. Bramwell said Saturday. "We need every first- aider on his toes for any emerg¬ency that might arise." First aid cards and qualifications are good for two years only, then refresher courses must be taken There are four grades of first aid work-junior, standard, advanced and lay instructor. The junior course is given all boys and girls under 17 years of age or in grades lower than second year high school; the standard course may be taken by anyone over 17 or in the last two years of high school; advanced calls for students who have completed the standard, and instructors course calls for those with special attributes of teaching, 20 years old and holding both standard and advanced training cards. Teacher assignments for the various districts, announced Saturday by Mr. Bramwell, are: District 1-South Ogden, Eden Beutler. District 2-Washington to Wall, Twenty-fifth to Thirty –sixth, Johanna Griffith. District3-Washington to Wall, Twenty-fifth to Ogden river, Ruth Hall. District 4- All north of Ogden river, Wall to the mountains, Ernest Wall. District 5-Ogden river to Twenty-third, Washington to Harrison, Keith Saxton. District 6-Twenty-third to Twenty-seventh, Washington to Quincy, Kent S. Bramwell, Roy Lofgreen. District 7-Twenty-third to Twenty-seventh, Quincy to mountains, Morris Swing. District 8-Twenty-seventh to Thirty-sixth, Quincy to mountains, Victor Hancock. District 9-Twenty-seventh to Thirty-sixth, Washington to Quincy, Carl Porter. District 10-Ogden valley, Armond Schade, West Lindsay. District 11-North Ogden, Vern Frandsen, Mary Baliff. District 12-County, west of city limits, Wheatly Taylor. Special group assignments: Police and fire departments, Ernest Wall. Ski club, Vern Frandsen. State guard, Carl Blakely, Keith Saxton, Eden Beutler, Roy Lofgreen. Weber college, Ferron Losee. Ogden high school, Helena B. Case, Gilbert Moesinger, Victor Hancock. Soroptimist and Beehive girls, Mrs. Dix Jones. Sperry Milles, Wilford DeHaan. Utah Power & Light Co., Roy Lofgreen. The times and places of meetings of the district groups will be announced Monday, Mr. Bramwell said. The meeting places have not yet been officially verified, he declared, and would not be until Monday. Registration of students will be with the instructors at the class meetings. RED GROSS GETS HEAVY CALL FOR FIRST AID CLASS Volunteer Nurses' Aides Applicants Needed, Says Mrs. Diehl The office of the Red Cross in the city-county building was swamped today with requests for instruction in first aid, and workers in the office were forced to request that all registration hereafter be made at classes when they are organized. Kent S. Bramwell, first aid director of Weber county Red Cross chapter, said he would have a list ready for publication Sunday of new classes, teachers and meeting places. Those desiring the standard (beginners’) first aid course are requested to apply at the listed class which best meets their convenience. Women Serious Slower to report for applications were women desiring to become volunteer nurses’ aides, but those who reported, according to Mrs. L. G. Diehl, in charge of the registration, were intensely serious. “We need many more applications in this field, as we must pick the trainees carefully, and many are rejected when the time comes to make the selections,” she added. Age, health, and freedom from family care to enable the trainee to give full time to the work are requirements for enrollment as nurses’ aide. A good educational background is also required, as the trainee must be able to grasp the entire course in a highly concentrated form. Home Nurses The Red Cross office is taking registrations of persons seeking training in the volunteer nurses’ aide corps and the home nursing courses. First aid registration, as previously explained, will be at the class. All other registration, as previously explained, will be at the class. All other registration requests are being directed to the defense council office in the county commissioners’ reception rooms. CLASS IN FIRST AID FORMED FOR ROY RESIDENTS 12/16/41 First Assemblage Will Be Held Thursday Evening A first aid class for the citizens of Roy will be taught Thursday evenings in the Roy school, Kent S. Bramwell, director of first aid for Weber county Red Cross chapter, announces. The classes will be taught by Mr. Bramwell, and the first class will be held tomorrow. The class has been arranged at the request of many citizens from the community of Roy. All those in that area desiring the training are invited to attend. Mr. Bramwell also announced that, upon request of the citizns of the South Ogden area, registration for a first aid class for those living in South Ogden, including the L. D. S. Fourteenth and Twenty-second wards, and in Riverdale, will be held in the South Ogden town hall Thursday between seven and nine p.m. Eden Beutler will be instructor of this class. Time of the classes will be decided later. The South Ogden town hall is at 454 Thirty-seventh. Mr. Bramwell said there was a good turnout to the classes held Tuesday evening. Classes meeting tonight are for district No. 2, comprising the area from Washington to Wall, Twenty-fifth to Thirty-sixth, at seven-thirty p.m. in the Nineteenth ward hall on West Thirtieth; district No. 6, Twenty-third to Twenty-seventh, Washington to Quincy, room 208, Weber college. WEBER DISASTER UNIT ON ALERT, OFFICIALS AVER Sub-Chairman Directed To Hold Groups in Readiness A.T.Barrett and C. E. Armstrong, co-chairmen of Weber county Red Cross disaster committee, today had their unit on alert following orders received during the night from national Red Cross headquarters. The committee was meeting this afternoon to consolidate its units. “All sub-chairmen have been notified of the meeting, and have been directed to hold their groups in instant readiness,” Mr. Barrett said. “With the disaster committee of the Red Cross ready to take over on an instant’s notice, the county defense council has sufficient time in which to complete organization,” said J. A. Howell, Weber county civilian defense coordinator. MR. Howell said he expected to have a conference with J. W. Arrington, county commission chairman, before calling the council’s executive board together. Persons wishing to register for civilian defense assignments are advised that such registration will be taken at the offices of the county commission, seventh floor of the city-county building. Headquarters of the Red Cross will be at the city-county building in case of emergency. |