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Show existing in Spain, including the Spanish Red Cross, the Auxilio Social, hospitals, clinics, and religious and charitable organizations. 3. The Spanish press should be continually informed and permitted to give full publicity to the fact that these supplies were distributed as a gift from the United States through the intermediary of the American Red Cross. An American Red Cross staff left for Madrid in mid-January. The first Red Cross ship to leave for Spain was the Cold Harbor, which sailed from Baltimore on February 1 with approximately 500 tons of milk concen¬trates, 3,500 tons of whole wheat flour, and about two and one-half tons of drugs and medical supplies. On this ship, also, were two station wagons, 26 trucks, about 5,000 gallons of gasoline and oil, and miscellaneous spare parts and spare tires to be used in the distribution of these supplies. Shipments to Spain were made in each succeeding month until June. They consisted of 7934 tons of flour, 7359 tons of milk concentrates, 50 tons of soap, and large quantities of miscellaneous medical supplies. The value of all these shipments amounted to approximately $1,500,000. No shipments of Red Cross relief supplies have been sent to Spain since June, and the dis¬tribution of supplies on hand will be completed by September 1. The distribution of these supplies has been effected in accordance with the original agreement under the supervision of American Red Cross per¬sonnel. Local agencies of many types participated in the distribution of Red Cross supplies. Serving on the provincial distribution committees were the Civil Governor of the area, who acted as Honorary Chairman, and members of the local Auxilio Social, Spanish Red Cross, and numerous religious and charitable organizations. Every sack of flour and every case of milk bore the Red Cross emblem with the inscription: "Gift to the people of Spain from the people of the United States." American Red Cross relief operations in Spain have brought assistance to 1,072,347 persons, including 605,487 children. By June 30, 1941, relief to Spain had required an expenditure of $1,821,568. It was expected that the new harvest in Spain and other developments would make it unnecessary to continue relief operations after September I, and plans were being made to withdraw the American Red Cross delegation and all motor equipment. In¬tense famine conditions had been eased by the help made available through the American Red Cross. In commenting on the operation, the American Minister to Madrid said: "There is no doubt that the supplies sent by the American Red Cross to Spain have saved literally thousands of lives." Poland American Red Cross foreign war relief funds were first used to bring aid to Polish refugees who had fled to Roumania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Lat¬via, and Lithuania. Acceptable arrangements were finally made with the 24 German, Polish, and British authorities for relief operations in the Govern¬ment General area of Poland, and medical and hospital supplies, clothing and chapter-produced articles were shipped there for distribution. Supplies were allocated to the various areas of the Government General by a Central Polish Relief Committee, consisting of representatives of the Polish Red Cross, other Polish relief agencies, and delegates from the Jewish commun¬ities. American Red Cross representatives also made arrangements for the purchases of essential foodstuffs in the Baltic countries, although for the most part, supplies used in Polish relief were purchased or produced in the United States and shipped to Cracow by way of the Mediterranean and the Italian port of Genoa. The German Red Cross arranged for free transporta¬tion throughout the Polish area and for the elimination of customs duties. Actual distribution was made under the observation of American Red Cross representatives, by local committees organized along the same lines as the Central Polish Relief Committee. The entrance of Italy into the war in May 1940 made further ship¬ments into the Government General area impossible, and relief operations in Poland had to be suspended. Additional relief to Polish refugees has since been made possible in Hungary, Switzerland, France, Spain, and Portu¬gal. By June 30, 1941, relief operations on behalf of Polish war victims had required expenditures totaling $995,226 of which $374,279 represented the value of chapter-produced supplies. Greece American Red Cross relief was inaugurated in Greece on November 10, 1940, with a gift of $10,000 to the Greek Red Cross, soon increased by another grant of $35,000. At the same time arrangements were made to purchase a supply of milk available in Yugoslavia for shipment to Greece, and the British Red Cross was requested to deliver $50,000 of various relief supplies from their Middle East stores to the Greek Red Cross to be re¬placed at a later date by the American Red Cross. In December 1940, an American citizen then in Athens was appointed director of the American Red Cross operations in Greece. He established headquarters in Athens and, cooperating with the Greek Red Cross, the Greek Government and the American Minister, reported the results of his extensive survey of the most urgent needs. In January an American Red Cross staff member was sent to assist the director. Arrangements were made for the distribution of supplies through the Greek Red Cross. The first shipment to Greece cleared New York on December 20 on the Greek steamer Grigorios. These supplies, consisting of milk, cocoa, blankets, surgical dressings, and medical and hospital supplies, were valued at $120,- 25 |