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The Weber County Chapter of the Red Cross began in December 1915 when a small group of individuals gathered to begin organizing a chapter of the Red Cross. In 1962, the name was changed to the Bonneville chapter, and in 1969, the chapter merged with other chapters in Northern Utah to become the Northern Utah Chapter, with its headquarters located in Ogden, Utah. The scrapbooks range from 1940 to 2003 and highlight some of the important work of the Red Cross. The books include photographs, newspaper clippings, and other materials. |
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Show NURSES URGED TO ANSWER CALL FOR U.S . DUTY Shortage Is Claimed the Weakest Link In Defense The recent disaster drill in Ogden conducted by the local Red Cross chapter is said to have re¬vealed that mobilization of nurses for emergencies is the weakest link in the county's preparedness chain. "Although the Red Cross oper¬ates training classes in Ogden for practical nursing and the Thomas D. Dee Memorial hospital has a large graduating class of trained nurses every year, it seems that more are needed immediately" said L. Wesley Robbins, vice chairman of Weber county chapter, American Red Cross. Ogden is not alone in its dearth of women able to assist in giving aid to the sick and injured. The Red Cross, which supplies nurses for the army nurse corps, is cast¬ing around for more and more "an¬gels of mercy," he said. More than 10,000 of America's nurses will be serving with the army or navy within the next year, Miss Mary Beard, national direc¬tor of the Red Cross nursing serv¬ice, has predicted. The authorized total of the army nurse corps alone for the 1942 fiscal year is 8,237, she pointed out. Miss Beard requests all qualified registered nurses to enroll imme¬diately in the Red Cross first re¬serve of nurses. This reserve, which furnishes the army and navy nurse corps with competent personnel and is the source for nurses needed in Red Cross disaster relief work, now totals 24,000 nurses, but that is not enough, the service states. "As a result of the national de¬fense program," Miss Beard said, "there is an acute need for more women and girls to take up nursing as a career. To help meet this need the American Red Cross this sum¬mer is sponsoring the Red Cross nurses' training camp at Bryn Mawr college, where 200 women college graduates will be trained in a shorter time than the usual 36 months. "I cannot urge too strongly that all young women give immediate and careful thought to the possi¬bility of entering nursing schools this year. Various steps are being taken to increase the student body capacity of these schools." In Ogden, the Thomas D. Dee Memorial hospital and Weber col¬lege collaborate on the training of nurses. Courses in home hygiene and care of the sick are offered under Red Cross sponsorship to make practical nursing a more gen¬eral accomplishment. First aid courses, too, are offered at many places in the city. Girls and women who wish to take advantage of one or more of these training programs may ob¬tain complete details as to classes at the Red Cross office on the ground floor of the City-County building and at the office of the supervisor of nurses at the Dee hospital. 6/29/41 Here’s Clarion Call To Service POSTER . . . The American Red Cross has encountered a great short¬age in nurses throughout the nation. To spur ambitions of young girls to take nurse training, the Red Cross has issued this poster. Esti¬mates are that 10,000 nurses will be needed next year. Red Cross Appoints Publicity Committee Publicity committee of the Red Cross disaster unit, headed by William F. Smiley, will be a five-man organization, the chairman reported today. Don Christiansen, Dwight L. Jones, Ted E. Collins and Mel Wright will aid on the committee, charged with collection and distribution of information to press and radio news announcers and with ssuance of identification cards to outside press and picture men who would come into the area in case of disaster. Should a disaster strike at one of the military centers near Ogden, the public relations officer of the area affected would be on the committee. |