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Show Red Cross Chief Hastens Warehouse Preparations; First Shipment Arrives Will Hire Dozen Women Jo Start Activities At Regional Base 12/16/41 Two carloads of Red Cross sup¬plies were being held in the Ogden railroad yards today until a warehouse, just leased as a west¬ern processing plant, is put in condition to receive the goods, said Captain W. C. Conover, su¬perintendent of warehouses for the national organization. Captain Conover said the cars will not be held longer than 48 hours, as there are other ship¬ments on the way. "This is a seven-day-a-week un¬dertaking," he declared. Will Hire Women At the same time he announced the Red Cross is advertising for women workers, one dozen of whom will be selected this week. "They must have a high school education, be in good health, have good references and submit a rec-ord of previous employment," Cap¬tain Conover said. "We want in these women something more than just a desire to work and earn money—they must want to work particularly for the Red Cross." An advertisement appearing in the classified section of The Stand¬ard-Examiner today tells where those applying should send their applications. No applications should be made in person. Key Men Coming Three key men will arrive Thurs¬day to train workers to take over duties here. They are Robert Kanski, who will be assistant su¬perintendent; Joseph DeRoy, who will be claim agent and will train the receiving and shipping clerks, and Lawrence Dessart, who will be packing foreman. All come from New Jersey. Four women will arrive Friday to help in train¬ing the women workers. Space Obtained The Red Cross has leased the 20,000 square feet of space com¬prising the entire second floor of the Interstate Terminal Ware¬house Co. building at 118 Twenty- fourth, as its processing plant to handle materials coming from eastern points and forward them to Pacific coast and Pacific areas where they are needed. An addi¬tional 30 or 40 thousand square feet of storage space probably will be acquired in Ogden. 19/19 THE OGDEN STA They’re in Charge of New Storage Depot Project DIRECTORS .. . . Capt. W. C. Conover, superintendent of warehouses for American Red Cross (left) and W. G. Hall, superintendent of the Red Cross depot just established in Ogden, are shown taking over plans for manning the plant, located at Twenty-fourth and Wall. Ogden Picked Focal Point Of Red Cross Ogden has been chosen by the American Red Cross as the Pa¬cific area packing and distribu¬tion center for its clothing, blan¬kets, bandages and other articles produced by chapters throughout the nation, and the first carload of articles is en route here now from Jersey City, N. J. On the scene to arrange ware¬house facilities is W. B. Lovejoy of Washington, D. C., assistant gen¬eral supply officer of the American Red Cross, and Captain W. C. Con- over, American Red Cross super-intendent of warehouses, now as¬signed to Jersey City. Capt. Conover will remain in Ogden to place the warehouse in operation. "It is foolish to waste time by shipping these badly needed articles from St. Louis or from Jersey City or New York City to the west coast for transmission to Hawaii, the Philippines and China," Mr. Lovejoy said Saturday. "Therefore Ogden has been chosen as the point to which chapters will send the output of their production units. "Here the clothing and other (Continued on Page Two) (Column Four) OGDEN PICKED BY RED CROSS (Continued from Page One) articles will be packed and sent to where they are needed, whether it be a west coast city, China, or one of our insular outposts." The articles which will be han¬dled include sterile bandages, lay¬ettes, men's, women's and children's clothing, convalescent gowns, pa¬jamas and all the articles of cloth¬ing that may be needed in bombed areas by homeless refugees. Mr. Lovejoy said negotiations are under way for a warehouse in Og- den, and one carload of articles is already on the rails headed for here, therefore the warehouse should be in operation by next week. "These things are already needed at Oahu, Luzon and other points where damage has been done by raiders," he declared. Personnel will be imported for the key posts in the warehouse, Mr. Lovejoy said, but the majority of the workers—laborers, packers, and similar employes — will be drawn from this area. He said about 30 to 40 persons would be needed to maintain the warehouse on a wartime basis. STAFF STRIVES FOR FAST WORK ‘Key’ Force Being Built For Operation of Supply Unit 12/19 "We're ready." In that way Capt. W. C. Conover, superintendent of warehouses for American Red Cross, reported to-day that a shipment of materials has been received at Ogden and is ready to be sent wherever needed in the Pacific area. "The material is already pack¬aged and ready for shipment," the official declared. "We need only ship it out of here by the quickest route for where it is needed." When the personnel is engaged for work at the Red Cross depot, articles produced by Red Cross chapters throughout the western United States will come here for counting, sterilizing and packing in standard containers and for stor¬age until needed. Robert Kanski of New Jersey, assistant manager of the Ogden depot, was expected to arrive today to take over his duties in assisting to train personnel, being selected through advertisement and later interview. Approximately 40 or 50 persons will be employed. With Mr. Kanski are to be some experi-enced warehouse workers who will place the plant in operation. Regular selection of the personnel will begin tomorrow after the ar¬rival late today of Geraldine Stomp of Jersey City, warehouse unit sec¬retary. DUTY BEGUN BY RESCUE EXPERT FROM MIDWEST Will Develop Teachers In Red Cross First Aid Methods William T. Raney, national field representative of the Red Cross in first aid, life saving and accident prevention, arrived in Ogden today to assist Kent S. Bramwell, Weber county chapter first aid director, in training first aid instructors. Mr. Raney has been transferred to the Pacific area from the Midwestern branch with headquarters at St. Louis, Mo. He has been with the Red Cross since 1937 and prior to that time was a volunteer first aid and life saving instructor for five years. “Chapters throughout the Pacific area are extending their programs because of increased call for first aid training. I will be in Ogden for three or four weeks before have to go on to another point.” Mr. Raney said. The war has not changed the type of material taught in the first aid classes, Mr. Raney said, but has amplified it somewhat. Mr. Bramwell has received from the war department a text of treatment of chemical causalities including poison gas. The text a technical manual and will be incorporated into first aid studies. |