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Show Feb. 25, 1942 Red Cross Units Gather Tonight All classes in Red Cross first aid will meet tonight as usual, Kent S. Bramwell, director of first aid instruction, reported. Anyone having missed the first lesson may make it up tonight from seven to nine o'clock in room 110, Weber college, under direc¬tion of Sophie Reed. The same les¬son will be repeated Tuesday at the same time and place under direction D. B. Ballantyne. Feb. 1, 1942 ALL EMPLOYES TO BE TRAINED Power Firm Insists All Learn Rudiments of First Aid Reported as the first local firm to demand that all employes take Red Cross first aid training, Utah Power & Light Co., Ogden division, will start instruction with Roy Lofgreen and Eden Beutler as instruc-tors in the next few days, said Kent S. Bramwell, director of first aid training for Weber county Red Cross chapter. "George L. Ellerbeck, manager of the division has ordered every employe to hold a valid, standard first aid card from the Red Cross," Mr. Bramwell said. "This is the first such action reported to us. We hope other employers will fol¬low Mr. Ellerbeck's example." Mr. Bramwell will speak to mem¬bers of the United Commercial Traveler auxiliary who are taking first aid training from Pauline Evans, on Monday at two-thirty at the Little tea room, 566 Twenty- fourth. Carolyn Adams will start a class Monday at seven p. m. for all inter¬ested persons who live between Washington and Quincy, between Twenty-seventh and Thiry-sixth. The course will be taught at the L. D. S. Ninth ward hall, Thirty-first and Porter. Employes of the Emporium deparment store and Keeley's cafe will meet Monday at seven p. m. in room 205 of the Moench build¬ing at Weber college, where Shel¬don Hayes will be their instructor. Students of other classes wishing to make up the first lesson may at¬tend this class. Beauticians will meet Monday at seven p. m. in room 214 of Central building. This class may be at-tended by anyone wishing to make up the second lesson of the stand¬ard course. Japanese American Citizens league will be transferred Monday to room 206 of West Central building at the college. Members of the Welfare league, with Barbara Weeks as instruc¬tor, will meet Monday at one thirty p. m. in the children's clinic on Grant avenue. Feb. 22, 1942 AID TEACHERS ASSIGNED JOBS 2/22/42 Assignments for 46 new first aid teachers were announced Saturday by Kent S. Bramwell, Weber coun¬ty Red Gross chapter director of first aid training. The 46, Mr. Bramwell said, completed their training as instructors Friday un¬der William T. Raney, national field representative. The assignments are: Bert Asay, NYA boys' dormi¬tory; D. B. Ballantyne, Ogden city police; Marie Clausse, Relief so¬ciety, Five Points area; Marvin F. Crawford, Emporium first aid de¬tachment; R. J. Dyches, Hill field; Arlene Decker, dentists' auxiliary; Thelma Dopp, assistant at West Ogden school and church; Mrs. May B. Eakin, U. C. T. auxiliary; Vernon Elliot, I. O. O. F. and Re- bekahs; Carrie B. Elliot, R. N., miscellaneous; Dexter Farr, civil-ian defense group at Ogden high school; Kate Fenjton, L. R. Sam¬uels first aid detachment and deaf students. Ruth Fingerle, miscellaneous group; Helen McDonald, miscel¬laneous; Leland Florence, civilian defense groups at Lewis and Mound Fort high and Lincoln school; Fern Gailbraith, American Can Co. first aid detachment; Jack Gridley, ordnance depot guards; Frank GIbert, civilian defense group. Hooper; Johanna Griffith, reassigned at Pingree school; E. Arnold Hansen, forest service first aid detachment, Boy Scout troop 18; Nahum Hancock, north city limits cottage meetings; Eld on Jensen, P.-T. A., students and de¬fense group at Riverdale; Benita T. Jones, Mountain Fuel Supply Co. first aid detachment; Howard Knight, advanced deaf class, de¬fense group at Ogden high school, dentists. Effie Howe, Roy junior girls; Mrs. L. S. Merrill, L. D. S. Relief societies; Mrs. R. M. Marchant, reserve; Harold Mack, fire depart¬ment; Mrs. Ira Martin, Girl Scout troop 22, V. F. W. auxiliary, ad¬vanced Girl Scout and safety coun¬cil classes. Mrs. A. C. Miller, Aglaia club; Helen McCloy, Nadine first aid detachment, Hooper Relief society; Mrs. C. F. Peacock, reserve; W. Russell Page, Wilson and adult education groups; Sophie W. Reed, miscellaneous; Alton F. Richards, civilian groups; William Sherman, Taylor civilian defense group; Bet¬ty Smith, Intermountain Knitting Mills first aid detachment; Reed Stewart, Warren civilian defense; Nolan Taylor, Farr West L. D. S. ward; Helen M. Tracy, Catholic Women's league and business club; Mrs. Olive Vanderberg, Harrisville church; Ernest Wall, fire depart¬ment; Mrs. Arthur Woolley, Red Cross club; David Welling, defense group and druggets; Edith Alice Wood, Lewis high school girls, and Ruth Young, reserve. Feb. 3, 1942 ENVOY INTENDS TO OPEN CLASS William T. Raney, national field representative of the American Red Cross, who recently taught two classes of first aid instructors, will return Feb. 16 to start a new class, announced Kent S. Bramwell, first aid director of the local chapter. Mr. Raney will start his classes that evening and will conduct them every evening during the week, Mr. Bramwell said. Present instructors are asked to make recommendations to Mr. Bramwell at the Red Cross office in city-county building for men and women to take Mr. Raney’s training. All instructors who have kits out are requested to return them to the Red Cross offices as soon as they have completed their bandage demonstration, Mr. Bramwell continued. These kits may be needed for emergency use. 2/3/42 Feb 5, 1942 Places Open in First Aid Class A first-aid class will be started Tuesday, Feb. 10, in the Odd Fellows hall, 2320 Washington, nine-thirty to eleven-thirty a.m. The course will be held every Tuesday and Thursday for five weeks, under sponsorship of the Women’s Safety council of Ogden, the Girl Scout council and the Women’s Civic club. Any members of these organizations wishing to join are requested to dia 2-2682, or 2-4308 or 2-3862. |