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Show WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRAURY 4, 1942 They’re Qualified to Give Assistance COURSE COMPLETED . . . Here are 12 of the 15 women who have completed six weeks of intensive training and are now members of the Red Cross volunteer nurses' aide corps. This Ogden group is the first in the state to complete its work. A corps is being trained in Salt Lake City by Miss Ella Wicklund, head nurse of the state tuberculosis hospital, Ogden, and another group is now being recruited here to start training about Feb. 16. Nurses at Dee hospital now have regular assistance from Red Cross trained volunteer nurses' aides who recently completed their intensified training period. Shown above are 12 of the 15 who are now members of the corps. They are (left to right, front to rear) Mrs. C. W. Hoisington, Mrs. Lois Holmes, Mrs. Eva Hunt, Mrs. Rulon Taylor, Mrs. Charlotte Stone, Mrs. C. R. Reipe, Mrs. Ross Porter, Mrs. M. B. Hunkins, Mrs. L. J. Vandenberg, Mrs. J. J. French, Miss Virginia Honnold and Miss Elizabeth Stanford. The other three who completed the training, but who were absent when the photo was taken are Mrs. India Buswell and the Misses Helen and Anne Gajewsky. This is the final week for enroll¬ment in the new course of training for nurses' aides which will begin probably Feb. 16. Mrs. O. C. Ham¬mond, R. N., who trained the first Utah group here, will again be the instructor. ENVOY INTENDS TO OPEN CLASS William T. Raney, national field representative of the American Red Cross, who recently taught two classes of first aid instrutors, will return Feb. 16 to start a new class, announced Kent S. Bramwell, first aid director of the local chapter. Mr. Raney will start his classes that evening and will conduct them every evening during the week, Mr. Bramwell said. Present instructors are asked to make recommendations to Mr. Bramwell at the Red Cross office in city-county building for men and women to take Mr. Raney’s training. All instructors who have kits out are requested to return them to the Red Cross offices as soon as they have completed their bandage demonstration, Mr. Bramwell coned. These kits may be needed emergency use. Nutrition Course Will Be Started A class in nutrition sponsored oy the Women’s Civic club will e taught Mondays and Fridays starting Monday, Feb. 16, at nine thirty a.m., in the board room on the sixth floor of the city county building. The course will take 20 hours, two hours per lesson, and those completing it will receive certificates. The course leads to participation I civilian defense kitchens and Red Cross canteens, according to Mrs. Claud Peacock, chairman of the civic activities committee of the club. Civic club members and other women interested may enroll by telephoning Mrs. Peacock, 2-2682, c r Mrs. Mabel Davis, 4213. The teacher will be provided by the Red Cross chapter. Advanced Class To Start Monday A Red Cross first aid advanced training class preliminary to instructor training has been arranged to begin Monday night in room 209 of the Moench building at Weber college, it was announced by Kent S. Bramwell, first aid instruction director. All those who have completed the standard course or will complete it in the next week are invited to attend. Places Open in First Aid Class A first-aid class will be started Tuesday, Feb. 10, in the Odd Fellows hall, 2320 Washington, nine-thirty to eleven-thirty a.m. The course will be held every Tuesday and Thursday for five weeks, under sponsorship of the Women’s Safety council of Ogden, the Girl Scout council and the Women’s Civic club. Any members of these organizations wishing to join are requested to dia 2-2682, or 2-4308 or 2-3862. FINAL ADVANCE CLASS PLANNED No Other To Be Offered For at Least Six Weeks, Says Aide The final advanced Red Cross first aid course to be started for at least six weeks will be launched Monday at seven p.m. in room 209 of Weber college Moench building, it was announced by Kent Bramwell, director of first a training, who will be the instructor. Registration will be accepted telephone, dial 7961, Monday before class time. TO take the work, student must have completed the standard Red Cross first aid course. Those desiring instructor training are requested to call at the Red Cross office. A course with William T. Raney, national field representative, as instructor, will be started Feb. 16. To be eligible for this class, a student must have completed both standard and advanced courses or be a school teacher or registered nurse with the certificate for completion on the standard course. Anyone who has previously instructed first ad classes-two for instructors, three advanced and seven standard. Currently there are 3.177 persons training in Weber county in 119 classes, of which one is advanced, 19 are junior classes and 99 are standard classes. Still awaiting instruction are 49 civilian defense classes and 31 regular class groups. |