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Show Cornish Named to Head Red Cross-Chest Division Ben G. Midgley Selected As Vice Chairman Of Group The commercial division of the Red Cross-community chest united campaign will be headed by Lynn B. Cornish, manager, J. C. Penney Co., chairman and Ben G. Midgley, division manager, Utah Oil Refining Co., vice chairman, it was announced today by Fred A. Kuhlmann, co-chairman of the campaign. More than 120 firms are included in this division, which are divided into five groups, Mr. Kuhlmann said. Leadership for these is as follows: Group A, 31 firms, Ross Bassett, Browning Chevrolet Co., chairman; George Herrick, Utah Oil Refining Co., vice chairman; group B, 35 firms, L. S. la Vezzi, S. H. Kress & Co., chairman; Lyman S. Pierce, W. P. Fuller & Co., vice chairman; group C, 22 firms, A. L. Leven, Leven’s chairman; group D, 19 firms, W. C. Hinds, Mountain Fuel Supply Co., chairman; group E, 14 firms, Henry Zitzman, Henry’s Service chairman. Mr. Kuhlmann also announced that the first organization meeting of all division heads of the campaign has been called for Friday, Jan. 9 at four p.m. in campaign headquarters, Hotel Ben Lomond. Chairmen of all groups within the industrial, commercial, public service and public employe divisions are expected to be present. Plans for prosecution of the drive throughout the business section will be discussed, and the urgent need for at least 60 per cent larger subscriptions than those of last year will be stressed, he said. Merrill J. Bunnell, commercial manager, KLO, has accepted the chairmanship of a special radio committee. Mrs. J. S. Brady Dirker, captain of the Red Cross group of the women’s division announced completion of her list of workers. They are Mrs. L. T. Bass, Mrs. A. W. Bartlett, Jr., Mrs. Frank G. Brown, Mrs. Matt S. Browning, Mrs. Howard Christensen, Mrs. Kenneth Davidson, Mrs. P. J.Dix, Miss Jean Feeny, Mrs. T. S. Feeny, Mrs. Paul S. Hodgson, Mrs. R. E. Hush, Miss Rosanne Peery, Miss Barbara Weeks, Mrs. Arthur Woolley, Miss Katherine Woolley, Mrs. Hary Yeager. LEADERS . . . Lynn B. Cornish (top) was named chairman and Ben G. Midgley was named vice chairman of the commercial di¬vision of the Red Cross-Com¬munity chest drive. Speakers for Red Cross, Chest Campaign Selected Thirty-four Receive Facts On Which Speeches Will Be Based Members of the speaker’ bureau for the Red Cross-community chest united campaign were announced today by the Rev. John Edward Carver and C. Angus Wright, co-chairmen. The 34 speakers appointed are as follows: Harmon B. Barton, J. H. Riley, E. T. Saunders, A. B. Foulger, Dr. G. Oscar Russell, R. D. Thatcher, W. J. Critchlow, G. H. Lowe, A. L. Leven, F. A. Child, H. Aldous Dixon, Gerard Klomp, Mrs. Eva L. Wattis, Mrs. George R. Whitmeyer, Dr. George R. Whitmeyer, Dr. George Stewart, C. J. Olsen, A. H. Croft, G. W. Craddock, Wayne Bundy, the Rev. W. J. Giroux, A. W. Stevenson, L. H. Monson, Dr. Ivan Thompson, F. M. Abbott, Kent Bramwell, D. S. Romney, R.L. Van Kampen, J. E. Velton, Dr. E. P. Mills, LeRoy B. young, Mrs. Joan W. Emmett, Mrs. Ada Griswold, the Rev. W. L. French, Mrs. R. B. Porter. A luncheon meeting was held by the group in the Hotel Ben Lomond, at which material was supplied the members for talks to be given before various groups during the campaign. Group workers in two additional districts of Weber county, outside Ogden, also were announced by the respective chairmen. Those in West Weber district to serve under Mrs. W. W. Telford, chairman, are Charles Penman, Heber Hancock, Robert Penman, Harold Gibson, George Telford, Leonard Blanch, James Etherington, Herbert Heslop, Earl McFarland, Walter Telford, Americo Rouzi, Willard Wagstaff, Joseph Surrage, Elmer McFarland, Parley Wagstaff, Vern Greenwell, Blaine Farr, Joseph Herrick, George Hadley, Leon Nichols, Arch McLean, Oscar Hadley. Team members of North Ogden district, Mrs. Earl A. Randall, chairman, include A. Parley Bates, Mrs. George F. Simmons, J. F. Ballif, Jr., Earl A. Randall, R. E. Hull, Hyrum Judkins, Lester Simmons, Morris Parker, LeRoy Snooks, Parley A. Shupe, Claude Ellis, Lois B. Ballif, Mrs. H. D. Phillips, Ray Woodfield, Mrs. Ray Woodfield, Mrs. Aldro J. Barker, Mrs. Lyman Barker, Heber J. Randall, James Spackman, William Garner, Ada Chadwick, Ruth Chadwick, Albert Shaw, Thelma Montgomery, John A. Woodfield, Elzy Brown, R. C. Metcalf, Sidney L. Wyatt, Oliver Miller, William Berrett, Glen Ward, Mark Ballif, Milton Holmes, Mrs. C. J. Hansen, Mrs. Percy Randall. THEY LEAD ORATORS . . . The Rev. John Edward Carver (top), is chairman, and C. Angus Wright (bottom), is co-chairman, of the speakers division. |