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Show bobsled. Sometimes they had to be carried up the hill when deep snow prevented the use of a vehicle. As near as can be determined the first buriel in the Mountain Green Cemetery took place in 1860 when Betsy Corey Spaulding was born and died that same year. One year later, lacking a day, her mother, Elizabeth Corey Spaulding, was buried on the hill beside her baby daughter. The most recent buriel was in 1970. Unconfirmed reports claim that several men, killed while laying track through Weber Canyon, were also buried there. In another instance a group of Pioneers, traveling to Salt Lake City by way of Trappers Loop, were caught in a blizzard. A Mrs. Joseph Jones gave birth to a baby who died. The grieving parents tried to find the Mountain Green Cemetery and supposed they had when they buried the child. On a return trip they discovered, much to their dismay, that this was not so. The little grave was never located. Some place in a field owned by James Williams is a lonely and forgotten grave of a young boy. His father was employed by the Union Pacific Railroad and the fam¬ily lived in a section-house or boxcar at Strawberry. The family soon moved to parts unknown and the grave has been lost and seem¬ingly forgotten by his parents who never returned to visit the site. Another in¬cident occurred when the George France family lost a daughter in a freak shooting accident. Some members of the family had been squirrel hunting and when they returned home the loaded gun was put away in the granary. The next day Lila, a daughter, picked up the gun and it discharged, sending a bullet through her heart, killing her instantly. As friends and relatives visit this sacred spot of ground on the native hill top, may they remember the sacrifices and contributions made by those of long ago so those of today can enjoy the comforts of life here in the Valley of these ever¬lasting hills. —Elma Dickson, Morgan Sage advice to the frustrated husband who is teaching his nervous wife her first lesson in driver training: Disengage your mouth until you put your brain in gear, your patience in over¬drive and your temper in reverse. 51 |