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Show I know, because Uncle Walter Croft frequently related his experience on a trip to Yellowstone. They went via Cottonwood to the Bear River Range. Our cattle from the Croft range east of Enterprise frequently strayed into Cottonwood and were recovered with difficulty. I always understood that the Cotton¬wood Canyon road was a dedicated county road. Perhaps not because it has been ac¬quired by Brownings who purchased the Parrish Range. Until then we had free access to the Canyon. —A. Russell Croft JIM COMPTON REMEMBERS THE MINES The four important mines In Cottonwood Canyon were the Carbonite Hill, Cargonit Gem, Pembroke, and Morgan Chief. Tillman D. Johnston, Ogden judge, was presid¬ent of Carbonit Hill; Alonzo Van Patton owned the Carbonit Gem. The Pembroke Mine was owned by Adrian Pembroke, present owner of Pembroke Paper Company in Salt Lake City. Dan Heiner of Morgan was president of the Morgan Chief Mine. The four mines were located on the south side of Cottonwood Creek in Durst Hollow, Mills Gulch, and Arbuckle Hollow or Canyon. The head of the righthand fork of Arbuckle can be seen from Morgan. Its location is the south slope of Durst Mountain, the highest and furthermost north of the North Morgan peaks. Carbonite Hill and Carbonit Gem were the two main producers. They were active in the late 1800's and early 1900's and produced about $500,000 in lead, silver, iron, and a small amount of gold. Morgan Chief produced about 20 tons of ore which still lays on the dump. It would cost more to build a road to the dump than the ore is worth. There is still a face of ore showing which is about 10 feet in diameter. There are some ore deposits showing in the Carbonit Hill and Carbonit Gem. Hie Carbonit Gem is covered with about 30 feet of water. Ore has been trucked out of the Carbonit Hill several times in recent years. Carbonit Hill had a two-story bunk house at the mine with a blacksmith shop located in the south end of it. A tramway, seven feet long, was built which took the ore down to a bin. The loaded car going down pulled the empty car back to the mine shaft. The ore was hauled by team and wagon to Peterson where it was loaded on rail¬road cars and shipped to the smelters. Victor Bohman, father of Dale and Alfred Bohman, was one of the men who hauled ore from the mines. 58 |