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Show James and Catherine Kippen 1890 James And Catherine Kippen owned con¬siderable property in Morgan County, and built two homes on Dry Creek in the early days. Three of his sons lived on the ranch at various times, including Robert, Joseph, and George. They were ambitious people and operated a highly productive place. James Kippen was born 3 February 1820 in Perthshire, Scotland, a son of Robert and Catherine Campbell Kippen, natives of the Scottish Highlands. He spent the first 20 years of his life within 16 miles of his birthplace. He received a 'com¬mon' education. James became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 16 June 1842 and began preaching the Gospel to relatives and friends, but he was the only member to join. In 1844 he left for America, arriving in Nauvoo that same year, where he met and married Isabel Watson. In August of 1845 he worked as a Mason in St. Louis, moving on to Lexington, Missouri and then to Independence. In 1848 he outfitted an ox team and wagon and, with his family, crossed the plains to the Great Salt Lake Valley, entering the Valley in October. He worked as a mason on the old tithing office building and also assisted in building the home of President Brigham Young. In the Spring of 1850 James located in Bountiful, bought 35 acres of land, cleared the ground and built a home for Isabel and her children. It was in Bount¬iful that he met and married his second wife, Catherine Watson. Catherine was born in Fifeshire, Scotland, 9 September 1833, a daughter of George and Catherine Taylor Watson. Her family had joined the Church and set sail for America aboard the Olympian. There were 245 Saints on board with William Howell in charge. It was a hard crossing with much sickness. Upon reaching New Orleans, her parents became des¬perately ill with cholera, and both died, leaving her alone at 15. Catherine managed to get to Winter Quarters and traveled across the plains in the Captain David Wilkins Company. She walked most of the way and arrived in Salt 213 JAMES ' CATHERINE |