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Show private residence, just west of the present Pioneer School. The 1890-91 Ogden City Directory lists the Slaterville School District with Charles Wright as teacher, with Trustees John Knight, chairman, James A. Slater, clerk, and Henry C. Holley, treasurer 8. In August 1864, the Slaterville precinct was organized with Thomas Richardson elected Justice of the Peace with William Shaffer as Constable. B. L. Bybee succeeded William Shaffer. The 1883 Ogden City and Weber County Directory gives the precinct boundaries for Slaterville with a population of 230. It also indicates the Justice of the Peace for Slaterville was James Hutchins, with Alexander Hunter serving as Constable, elected August 6, 1883.9 The first postmaster was Jeremiah Bateman, followed by Davis Bartholomew, John R. Manning, Edwin Smout, Sarah Manning Stevens and Lottie Wheeler. At the time the Post Office was run by Edwin W. Smout, the mail was delivered from Ogden once a week 10. In 1859, Thomas Richardson, as Presiding Elder, suggested that the community should observe July 24 as Pioneer Day, to "promote sociability among the people here and also to stimulated in them, patriotism to the government." The grounds where the old school house stood were leveled off and a bowery built. During the day "exercises of different kinds" were held, followed by a lunch, and later dancing under the bowery on the ground. During the day, a stage coach appeared, with Lorin Farr and Chauncy West, local dignitaries, and L. D. S. Apostles John Taylor and Orson Hyde, stepped from it, to the delight of the community. In 1901 a dance hall was erected by William O. Smout in the north part of the area. This served as a gathering place for dances and other entertainment and parties. Mr. Charles Wright (a school teacher) organized "The Slaterville Dramatic Association." Under Mr. Wright's direction the hall was equipped with the necessary items for the many plays which were presented the following two years of the association's existence11. Early business endeavors included Davis Bartholomew's and James Hutchins' molasses mill, and George Boyington's gristmill on Mill Creek. A blacksmith shop was built by William Smout which Jim Moore helped operate. Horses were shod, wagon tires set, and farm implements constructed and repaired. Two small stores were in operation. Henry Bowns built the first one, followed shortly by Henry Honey's store.12 The Farmer's Alliance was established in the 1890s to promote interest and protect its members. The members met weekly for discussions, and it was here where the building of a Creamery was first discussed. 13 In 1896 the Slaterville Creamery was established by local residents to process milk, cheese and butter. Milk was collected from many areas of Weber County. Heber Hudman was the general manager. It operated successfully until purchased by an Ogden firm who were unable to run it profitably.14 In Beneath Ben Lomond's Peak, Stephen Perry is credited for introducing the madder vine plant into Slaterville to be used for yellow dye15. To most residents today it is considered a pesky, persistent weed, and they fervently wish it back to its place of origin. In 1898 the first contracts were let for raising sugar beets for the factory which was established in Wilson Lane. At first, farmers were somewhat hesitant to try raising this new crop, which later became a mainstay in the local economy16. Medical help was not readily available in the early days of the settlement. Dr. John Driver, listed as a physician in the early Ogden City directories, attended to many of the residents' physical ailments17. Slaterville was organized as a branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on September 10, 1858, with Thomas Richardson as the branch president. On February 16, 1860, Thomas Thomas and Edwin W. Smout were selected as counselors. They were charged with the responsibility of all affairs of the community, including socials and entertainment, and giving specific counsel in various matters, including economic interest. The community was organized as a ward on May 28, 1877, with John A. Allred as Bishop. On May 30, 1877, John Knight and Stephen W. Perry were sustained as first and second counselor. William Henry Manning served as the Ward Clerk for 45 years, beginning in 1877, and the records he kept give valuable and accurate information of events within the community 18. Busy years slipped by as the settlers toiled and improved their quality of life, their homes and their surroundings. By the time of statehood for Utah, the thriving, hard-working community of Slaterville was functioning well, and looking forward to a new century. 15 |