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The Marriott-Slaterville City History Collection was created by the residents of the town to document their history. The collection includes Autobiographies, Oral Histories, History of Marriott, History of Slaterville, and the History of the Merging Townships to create Marriott-Slaterville City. This information has left behind rich histories, stories and important information regarding the history of the Marriott-Slaterville area. |
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Show potentially massive traffic additions to Twelfth Street as the highway ends (or begins) in West Weber and pushes more traffic toward the freeway entrances. Gerald Bischoff, of the Marriott Planning Board, has worked on this issue for clarification through public officials. State Representative Marty Stephens is also seeking public input on this matter. Concerned residents should contact Marty Stephens and Senator Joe Hull, who has said that he would initiate legislation for the route parallelling 1900 West. PIONEER WILLIAM HODSON For a young man of nearly eighteen years, William Hodson found the trek across the plains to be an adventure. By building wagons in Missouri, his family had earned enough funds to properly prepare for the trail. William's family joined the independent Jesse Crosby Company for the expedition. Arriving in Salt Lake in September of 1853, the family was sent by Brigham Young to Kaysville to help colonize the area. As the oldest son of John and Marie Hodson, William was expected to clear the land and prepare the soil for crops. In February of 1859, William married Ruth Ware. The young couple stayed with the family in Kaysville but found conditions there too crowded, having to make their sleeping room in a haystack. In the spring, William took his wife to Weber County and founded a farm between Twelfth and Seventeen Streets in the settlement of Marriott. He built a small log cabin on the site, finishing it by the winter of 1859-60. But the roof leaked so badly that a wagon cover had to be used for the protection of Ruth and the new baby she bore that winter. After the death of a two-year-old daughter, Ruth was so heartbroken that she persuaded William to build a log home on the opposite side of the street, in order to help her recover. This log cabin, on the south side of Twelfth Street, still stands today. Later, William and his father constructed an adobe home, making the clay themselves. Though it has gone through many changes, this house, as well, is still standing on Twelfth Street. It currently is owned by the Ogden Nature Center. After his marriage, William worked to build the railroad from Ogden to Salt Lake in order to repay the Perpetual Emigration Fund for his wife Ruth, whose family had struggled greatly in their trek across the plains and were supported by the fund's provisions. William often remarked, "I worked to pay for Ruth's ticket to walk across the plains." William served as Justice of the Peace in Marriott and as a school trustee, providing a home for some of the community's early teachers. Many of William's decendants still live within the township, though Mildred Hodson Slater passed away recently. She had inherited a deep love for the community and was a major force in the drive to complete a history of Marriott. 472 |